Civil Rights Movements
TMS2025 SaanviP
Created on October 14, 2024
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Deep Dive into Civil Rights
By: Saanvi P. Olivia S. , Lily S.
Freedom Writers
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In 1960, in Greensbro, North Carolina, students organized a sit-down protest to get served at white restaurant seats. The students had to follow certain rules, but the protesters refused to give their seats up until the students got dragged away. This movement started in restaurants/ cafeterias but spread to stores, and the number grew. In the end the resturaunts ended up serving them becuase they began losing money.
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This is when Greensboro sit-ins just started.
This is a monument of the Greensboro Four.
This is when the Greensboro sit ins got violent
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African Americans were not allowed to desegregate restaurants so they wanted to see if they could do that. They set out to do whatever it takes to sit in white seats at a restaurant. The protesters give up their seats until they get dragged away.
Original four people who started the Greensboro sitins. They had a lot of courage to do what they did. By sitting in the restaurants businessmen were hurt in their wallets. They helped others build the courage to change slavery into a better thing.
The protesters continued for weeks, everyone started to get violent. So, they would drag them and pour food over their heads, but they still wouldn't move. That's how determined they are to desegregate restaurants, sit-downs also started in stores.
On December 1st, 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on the bus. When the NAACP heard this they decided to take action. A bus boycott was organized and the following monday the buses were near empty. 17,000 African Americans had found other ways to get to work and school. The boycott lasted 382 days and becuase of the hard work and dedication of the African Americans on November 23, 1956 the Supreme Court ruled that segregated buses were unconstitutional. The boycott inspired people around the country and brought Dr. Martin Luther King jr into a national spotlight
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Bus Boycott
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This is the day that Rosa Parks sat in a white only seat.
She got taken away to jail because of sitting in a white only seat.
The bus where Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat
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Rosa sat in a seat that was for whites only, she wouldn't give it up for a white man so she ended up being arrested all the black people a boycotted so they biked or walked to their spots. The businessmen who work for the buses lost a bunch of money.
The Monday after Rosa Parks's arrest the news spread everywhere and it spread fast especially, in black communities. So they put up flyers about the boycott and 99% of African Americans did not go on the bus. They used bikes or just walked instead.
Rosa Parks said that she wasn't tired of walking off the bus but, she was tired of getting pushed around. ¨I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was... the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.¨
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Freedom Riders
In May of 1961 The Freedom Riders set out on a journey from Washington D.C. to New Orlenes, Lousiana. They set out to see if they could sit where ever they wanted and use intergrated facilites. The riders were attacked and fire-bombed my members of the KKK when they arrived in Aniston, Alabama. They were also assulted and hit over the head with baseball bats. They didnt give up and as a result of that all interstate buses were required to display a certificate that said "seating aboard this vehicle is without regard to race ,color, creed, or national origin, by order of the Interstate Commerce Comision."
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This certificate was posted on all interstate buses
These people were the Freedom Riders
Freedom riders would hold up signs of protest throughout their journey
This photo is from when the freedom riders were arrested by the police while on their journey. They weren't doing anything wrong but were arrested for protesting and for sitting in white only areas
The freedom riders would hold up signs of protest when they would make a stop and even while riding they would hold them out the window. They would protest for hours and hours.
As a result of the freedom riders hardships the ICC made each bus have a sign that prohibited segregation on any interstate buses