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Civil Rights Museum


MLK Assanation

Sit ins

bus boycott

Background Info

Room 1Room 2

Room 3

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Civil rights

The civil rights movement was a significant movement from 1954 to 1968 in the United States that aimed at abolishing racial segregation and discrimination.

Room 01

The bus boycott was when a woman named Rosa Parks protested on the bus during segregation. On December 1st, 1955, Rosa Parks took a bus to get home that day. When she got on the bus, she was sitting in the white-only section. When she was told to stand up and move, she didn't. She decided that she was going to stay seated and not listen to what they were saying. Many people looked at this as if it was a crime and Rosa Parks got arrested for not giving up her seat.

Rosa Parks and The Montgomary Bus Boycott

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Rosa Parks on the bus.

Rosa Parks getting arrested.

The bus that Rosa Parks was riding on.

Room 02

Greensboro Sit-ins

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The Greensboro Sit-ins were a series of protests in 1960 from African Americans who wanted to see what would happen if they sat at a White only lunch table. Durring these peacful protests, lots of people were mad and the waiters refused to serve them. As more people found out, the protest grew to more than 85 people.

This is durring the protest.

This is a newspaper about the protest.

This is where the protest took place.

Room 03

MLK Assasination

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On Thursday, April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was shot dead while standing on the balcony outside his second-floor room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. The news of King's assassination sent heartbreaks throughout the nation, prompting major outbreaks of racial violence. Today, his motel room is now a museum for people to tour and look at some replicas of things he had while staying in the room.

This is MLK in his casket.

This is where he died.

This is people pointing at the gun shot.

This picture shows people putting up a wreath to honor were MLK was shot and it was put by the room he was staying in.

This is a historical picture of Rosa Parks sitting in the white-only section of the bus. Although she was supposed to sit in the back, she chose to sit in the front. Because of this she made a powerful statement against segregation.

In this photo you see a bus. This bus was the same bus that rosa parks protested on. This bus is on an exibit at the Henry Ford museum. This bus was the bus that Rosa Parks rode on before she was arrested.

This is where the African American college students sat and protested in a resturant and they kept coming back to continued their protest.

This picture shows people looking at Martin Luther King Jr's casket. It was a very sad day in history and everyone took a moment of silence. Everyone was very upset and sad because he was a strong leader and helped the country desegregate.

This is a photograph of Rosa Parks being arrested. She was taken to the Montgomery Police Station after she sat in the wrong section of the bus and refused to give up her seat to a white man. This soon became one of the most famous Civil Rights protests.

this is a photo of what the sit ins were about. you can find this historical marker in nashville along with another marker by the town.

This is the lunch table that they sat at.

This picture shows people looking at the sound of the gun shot.