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The Big Issue


task 1

View the video essay about the magazine to remind you about the origins of The Big Issue.

You are advised to demonstrate some basic knowledge about the media text you are discussing such as who created it, who is the audience, what is significant / different / special about it.

"Explain how magazine front covers represent social, cultural and political events. Refer to Source A to support your points."


It is asking you to identify what is being represented (people, places, issues, events), how it is represented (positive or negative) and what media language is used to construct this representation and create meaning for the audience.

It is also asking you to consider what kind of magazine the Big Issue is and how it's representations cater for their audience.

the question


Your first paragraph should demonstrate your knowledge of the magazine's BRAND VALUES. The video you have just watched should help here.This will allow you to demonstrate how the cover you are given illustrates these values.

You should always use the relevant terminology

"Explain how magazine front covers represent social, cultural and political events. Refer to Source A to support your points."

Answer 2

Answer 1

mark scheme

answer 3

Read the sample answers and give each one a mark out of 10 based on the mark scheme.

"Explain how magazine front covers represent social, cultural and political events. Refer to Source A to support your points."

Now it's your turn...







Access the numbered questions and make hand-written notes on the media language and representations for this cover of the Big Issue.

You will be able to use your notes in your written response to this question so make sure you make good ones!

Questions to ask... 1. Describe what is being REPRESENTED in this central image? Consider People, Place, Events, Issues. 2. Are these representations POSITIVE or NEGATIVE?

Questions to ask... 2. What aspects of media language CONSTRUCT this representation? Is there any evidence of intertextuality? Tip: Media language consists of cinematography (camera angle, shot size, camera movement), mise-en-scene (see below), editing and sound. Which ones are relevant here. Tip 2: Mise-en-scene includes costume, lighting and colour, actors (facial expression/body language), make-up/hair, props, setting. Which ones are relevant here?

Questions to ask... 1. So, what kind of social, political or cultural issues could this magazine be addressing? Tip: Remember what kind of magazine the Big Issue is. What kind of issues does it generally tackle and what kind of beliefs will it's readers have?

Questions to ask... 4. Do any of the text elements contribute to the social, political or cultural issues the magazine is interested in? Tip: Consider the language used.

Questions to ask... 5. Are there any other features on the cover of this magazine that link to social, political or cultural issues? What are they and why do you think they are on the cover?

Questions to ask... 6. Based on your prior knowledge of the magazine, as well as the contents of the cover, who are the audience for the Big Issue?


Possible Structure

1. Intro... what is the Big Issue?2. Who is their audience?3. Why would they buy the magazine?

4. Main Para 1... analysis of central image. Indentify representations and how media language constructs individuals, issues and social groups.

5. Main Para 2... analysis of main cover lines elements. Indentify how text elements contribute to the representations discussed in Main Para 1.

6. Main Para 3... analysis of smaller cover lines elements and other text elements. In what way could they contribute to the representations discussed in Main Para 1.

7. Conclusion... in what way do these representations reflect the kind of magazine it is and the audience that reads it?

You now have 30 minutes to answer the question using your notes to help.

"Explain how magazine front covers represent social, cultural and political events. Refer to Source A to support your points."



You have 10 minutes to access the knowledge organiser and make further notes.

When you've finished, proof read it...

2. Does it identify one or more representations (people, places, events, issues?

4. Does it identify the connotations of this media language and discuss how they create meaning?

3. Does it identify multiple areas of media language that construct these representations (cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing including photo editing) and does it identify any intertextual links?

5. Does it use relevant magazine terminology when identifying features?

6. Does it answer the question by identifying relevant social, cultural or political contexts

7. Does analysis link to knowledge of the Big Issue and it's ideology?

1. Does it provide an intro that demonstrates knowledge of The Big Issue and it's readers?

task 1

View the video to remind you of the key aspects of the Minecraft unit..

Question 1

3. Explain how producers target, reach and engage audiences for video games through content and marketing. Refer to Minecraft to support your answer.

2. Explain the impact of digitally convergent media platforms on video game production, distribution and consumption. Refer to Minecraft to support your answer.

Question 2

Possible questions

Question 3

1. Explain how ongoing audience interaction influences the production of video games. Refer to Minecraft to support your answer.

task 2

Access the sample answers to question 1. Look at the mark scheme and give them a mark out of 10.


Mark Scheme


Can OpenAI improve on the answer to this question?


Click me


What mark would you give the AI answer?


Spend 10 minutes exploring the knowledge organiser. Click the link on the left.

Then choose question 2 or 3. You have 20 mins to answer. Swap with a partner and mark your answers.