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Project eTwinning

Music and Dances in the world

Music and Dances in the world



eTwinning is an Action of the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. “eTwinning is the largest community of schools in Europe, with more than 770,000 registered teachers. Its main objective is to create collaborative work networks between European schools, through the development of common projects, using the Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). eTwinning aims to promote, in teachers and pupils, the awareness of the European model of a multilingual and multicultural society.



How it all began...

The students thought of a theme to work on throughout the school year and after choosing the theme: "Music and Dance in the World", the teachers got together and integrated the curriculum into that theme: geography, mathematics, natural sciences...

The idea for this project came about through the class project at a school in Portugal.

The idea

Participating countries

Project Founders Sónia Ribeiro, Portugal Paula Cristina Popescu, Romania

The team of teachers

The project

In this project, students will explore the music, typical dances, traditions, costumes, legends, celebrations, historical monuments... of a particular country. In each of the disciplines/subject areas, students, individually or in work groups, carry out research work and collect information on that country, producing different works related to the theme “Music and Dance in the World”. Throughout the school year, the works will be displayed on the school's bulletin boards, on the group's social network, on the school radio, on the group's page and on the official eTwinning page. Choreographies, videos and games will also be created, alluding to each country, which will be presented to the educational community at the end of the school year, as well as all the works carried out throughout the school year, namely: costumes, traditions, monuments, gastronomy…


This project aims to: develop different literacies in students and teachers; encourage the use of technologies and learning experiences in a work dynamic in the classroom; make known the culture, legends, traditions, trajectories and gastronomy of a country; develop oral and written communication; between others. Through collaborative work, project methodology, and practical activities, school partners will: - Develop key 21st-century skills and competencies; - Enhance active and collaborative teaching and learning methodologies;- Improve foreign language skills; Increase pupils' autonomy and responsibility; - Promote cultural heritage and raise awareness regarding intangible and tangible heritage as part of our life and civilisation; - Promote academic success.


Music, typical dances, traditions, costumes, legends, celebrations, historical monuments... of a particular country.

different literacies, use of technologies, known the culture, legends, traditions, trajectories and gastronomy of a country; develop oral and written communication;

There were many works carried out by students and teachers...

  • The students made their presentations;
  • Created a logo for the project;
  • They made Christmas cards;
  • Took pictures of typical Christmas dishes;
  • ...
  • Contact sheet;
  • Made their presentation;
  • Asked students to choose a country;
  • They divided the students into groups;
  • We also held an online meeting to decide on some tasks.
  • They integrated the curriculum with the different sobjects;
  • ...



So far we have done the following tasks:

Online meeting

Teachers held an online meeting, presented ideas and distributed tasks.

  • Italy
  • Cyprus
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Spain
  • Turkey

Project curriculum integration

Students and teachers presentation

At the beginning of the project, all participants, namely students, introduce themselves to colleagues from other countries, mentioning their name, age, school, favorite sports and hobbies, among other aspects they consider relevant. They also analyze the presentations of other colleagues, verifying here similarities and differences between students of the same age group and from different countries.

Project Schools

The logo

Let's introduce our city and our country

We on the map

Each class chose a country and within the class the students were divided into groups for each of them to work on a theme.

The choice of country

Project curriculum integration

- Typical gastronomy of the country ;- Celebrities (in science, music, football…);- Legends and traditions;- Songs and dances (and trajectories);- History and monuments ;- Geography (population, area…);- Quality of life;- Curiosities within the scope of the various themes (chosen country).

The themes

The working groups are mixed, because there are students of different nationalities. Each group will do research on the topic and at the end common works will be elaborated: ebooks, common songs and dances...

Mixed groups

Preparation of Christmas postcards

Virtual Galleries with Christmas postcards!

Christmas recipes from our countries

Calendar 2023

Valentine's Day

Carnival Celebration

Europe Week

Safer Internet Day

We travel the world...

Travelling around the world!

Our eTwinning project members in a animated map

Touring around the world

With research on the countries we studied, we made Power Points, Videos and...


.Dances in the world

Music in the world

"Viajamos e voltamos com a mala repleta de alegria, sorrisos, lindas recordações e ótimas histórias pra contar". Mayara Benatti

...to all the people who got involved in this project!