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CIvil rights museum for kids

Valeria Laguna.

Rosa Parks & Montgomery Bus Boycott

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On December 1, 1955, an Afrcian-American woman named Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man. Word about the arrest spread quickly, the following monday after Parks's arrest, a group of African- American women stayed up all night printing flyers about boycotting the segregated bus laws. 50,000 African Americans endorsed the boycott, aswell as atterneys, sivilians, etc. The Montgomery boycott laster a year and 19 days. 99% of African Americans refused to ride buses, and walked to work, or rode their bikes. The bus companies lost thousands of dollars in lost revenue, so they had no other choice, but to change the segregated bus laws.

Rosa Parks & The Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Little Rock 9

The Little Rock 9 was a group selected to attend Central Highschool in Little Rock Arkansas. The students were selected to test integration of schools. When the 9 students arrived the governor sent the Arkansas National Gaurd to keep the student out of the school, even when the president told him to let them in, still, he refused. Gov. Faubus closed all schools for an entire school year after that (1958-1959). Schools were not fully integated until 1971.

On Apri, 4, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr was unfortunatly shot to death outisde his room at Lorraine Motel, Room 306 balcony in Memphis, Tennesse. He was 39 yearls old when he died. An important thing to remember about this event it shows how much hatred can be brought towards a person for no reason at all. Now the motel is a called National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennesse.

MLK Assasination

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