Abby Fennell Ashira Manual
TMS2025 Abigail
Created on October 11, 2024
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Civil rights museum
By Abby F & Ashira M
MLK "i have a dream
greenboro sit-ins
Rosa Parks and the bus boycott
Roas Parks and the Montgomer bud boycott
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rosa parks dress
no one on the bus
The bus
Roas parks was a lady that sat in the white only section of the bus and refused to get up when told to do so. Because of her refusal, she was arrested. This all happened in December 1, 1955. she only spent a few hours in jail but this is was started the Montgomery bue boycott. The Montgomery bus boycott was a pecesful protest to desegregate all the bus. This protest started on December 5th, 1955 and when all for a full year til December 20th,1956 people had to carpool, ride bike or walk to where ever the needed to go. MLK was a big part on this he had started the organization that helped a lot of things change but we will talk about the later.
The greensboro was a peacful protest that colored people did to help end segregation in restaurants. this protest started as 4 collage kids just sitting and waiting to be served but never were. This protest growed over night. 23 people were there the second day. They were told " fellows like you make our race look bad" and refused serves. They sat the these counters from the time they opened to the time they closed.
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The news paper
greensboro sit-in
the people
the sit ins
Martin Luther King Jr. "i have a dream"
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" i have a dream"
MLK assassination
death bed
During thr Martin luther King Jr "I have a dream speach over on August 28, 1963 250,000 people came and watched it live. The speach was given on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The speech was world wide and gained support for Civil RIghts. On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memiphis, Tennessee at Lorraine Motel, ROom 306 balcony when he was 39 years old.
Lthis is the dress that rosa parks wore the day she said no to giving up her seat.
rosa parks dress
this is photo was taken during the montgmory bus boycott. As you can see there is on;y one lady sitting the the bus this is because nobody was taking the bus.
The bues during the boycott
Lthis is the bus that rosa said no on. Its now in the Henry Ford museum in michigin
The bus
If you dont know what the " I have a dream" speech is. ill tell you a little about it. This speech was on August 28,1962 In washington DC and about 250,00 people were there to listen to what MLK had to say. In the speech he talks about what he wants for the united States.
'"I have a Dream"
Martin Luther king was assassinted on April 4th,1968 at a motel in Tennessee. this was such a tragic accident. this assassination effected many people MLk wanted to do mant thing that he didn't get to do but he made a big difference while he was with us
MLK assassination
This is Martin Luther King JR on his death bed. MLK was rushed to the hospital and died an hour later..
death bed
This is a news paper that was written about the people that started the Greensboro sit in and how this protest spread around the south
The news paper
This is one of the places that the sit ins happened. The greensboro sit ins happened for 5 mountsh and 3 weeks. most of them didnt get severed they sat there from the time they opened to the time they cloesed
the sit ins
these are four of the men that sat in this protest. many people helpped out in this protest about 300 i think.
The people