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by Daanya Adnan



04.UCL Grand challenges

02.1. Different types of ultrasounds

03. Physics behind ultrasounds

02.2. Different types of ultrasounds

01. What are ultasounds

Diagnotic Ultrasounds

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01.What is an ultrasound?


Ultrasounds are high frequency sound waves that are used in medical diagnostics and therapeutics.


Examples are: Doppler and color Doppler ultrasound which are used to measure blood flow in vessels, speed, and direction. They can also be used to see if there is any plaque build up in arteries such as the cartiod.

Functional ultrasounds

Diagnostic ultrasounds

02.1.Different types of ultrasounds

This is probably what most of us are familliar with. Diagnostic ultrasounds can be used to monitor an unborn baby inisde of its mother's womb.

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  • There are also low intensity pulsed ultrasounds which can be used for bone healing or tissue regeneration

02.2.Therapeutic ultrasounds


  • Can be used to treat many medical conditions such as cancer.
  • This works by uysing a high intensity focused ultrasound which produces a high frequency sound wave.
  • This sound wave is then focused on a specific area of a tissue and due to the high heat which is approximately 60-80 dgrees the tumour can be destroyed.
Source: https://www.piceramic.com/en/expertise/piezo-technology/generating-ultrasound-with-piezo-components

A transducer produces ultrasound waves The transducer directs a sound wave into the body and as the waves interact with the tissue boundaries they reflect back towards the transducer. The echos produce electrical signals that are sent to the scanner.We can measure the the time taken for the echo to return and since we know the speed of sound(330m/s). We can use the equation s=d/t to determine the distance to the tissue boundary. We can use this infomation to create 2D images.

0.3 Physics behind ultrasounds

Source: https://www.insight.com/en_US/content-and-resources/2019/transformative-technology-trends-for-2020-and-beyond.html

0.4 UCL GRand challenges application

One of the UCL Grand challenges that Ultrasounds is applicable to is Transformative technology. They can produce real time imaging of tissues and organs Ultrasounds can now be used for 3D printing through the skin as well now.

  • “Ultrasound Scan.” Nhs.Uk, 18 Oct. 2017, https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/ultrasound-scan/. Accessed 12th October 2024
  • “Ultrasound.” National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, https://www.nibib.nih.gov/science-education/science-topics/ultrasound. Accessed 12th Oct. 2024
  • Powles, Alexander EJ., et al. “Physics of Ultrasound.” Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Medicine, vol. 19, no. 4, Apr. 2018, pp. 202–05. ScienceDirect, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mpaic.2018.01.005. Accessed on 12th October 2024
  • Berber, Reshid, et al. “Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Therapy (LIPUS): A Review of Evidence and Potential Applications in Diabetics.” Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, vol. 11, no. Suppl 4, July 2020, pp. S500–05. PubMed Central, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcot.2020.03.009. Accessed on 12th October 2024

05. bibliography

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