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Assessment Cycle

Degree Conferring Program & General Education

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Oct. 31st 2024

PLO Years Identified

Review of Prior Year PLO Assessment Results

Nov. 30th 2024

Jan. 31st 2025

Annual Assessment Reporting

Academic year

Data Collection

Semester Programs

Online Accelerated

Quarter Programs

Apr. 14th 2025

Define Unit Mission and Goals

Develop and Revise Outcomes

Identify Activities

Assessment Plan DevelopmentEstablish Measures and Criteria

Apr. 21st 2025

Quarter Programs

Semester Programs

Online Accelerated

Preliminary Review

Quarter Programs

Semester Programs

Online Accelerated

may 31st 2025

may 2nd 2025

Jun. 15th 2025

Sept. 1st 2025

Faculty Development in the Faculty Commons(Campus Wide Assessment Workshops)

Oct. 31st 2025

Analyze Results(Close the Loop)and Make Improvements

Submit Assessment Report

Review of Prior Year PLO Assessment Results

Nov. 30th 2025

Jan. 31st 2026

Annual Assessment Reporting

Thank you!


Programs who are not included in the CPAC or Program Review process during Academic Year 2024-2025 are required to have a current and forward-facing Assessment Cycle identified in the Assessment Management System (AMS), Nuventive Improve.

Program Learning Outcomes

Exactly! Just Like that!

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  • In Nuventive, APAC will review the submitted plans and provide feedback.
  • Assessment Coordinators/Program Directors/Program Chairs will review feedback and implement actions to improve the assessment plan for the next academic year.
  • Program CLO revisions due to CPAC (UAC or GAC).

Evaluate and provide feedback on the Assessment Report based on an approved rubric

  • Each program reports annually on their assessment activities, their results, and progress in completing their approved Student Learning Assessment Plan.

Program Level

College Level

  • Each college reviews program reports as delineated in the college policy and procedures on assessment.

Committee Level

  • The Academic Programs Assessment Committee reports PLO annual assessment completion to Rules and Provost or designee.

University Level

  • The University Assessment Committee (APAC) and administrators working on assessment write an annual report about the state of assessment at the University to be submitted to the Provost and President. This report is also distributed to the university community.

Follow the assessment cycle by using the planned activities to measure and collect data:

  • Perform assessment activities to measure outcomes.
  • Establish data collection plans and protocols to maintain data integrity.
  • Collect data from the assessment measures administered. The data collection period should be inclusive of the fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters; fall, spring, and summer semesters; fall I, fall II, winter I, winter II, spring I, spring II, and summer I terms.

  • OOA will review assessment data in Nuventive reporting on any missed sections to Associate Deans in the APAC meetings.
  • Faculty, Assessment Coordinators, Program Directors, and Chairs will be responsible for addressing feedback and updating the information in Nuventive for the assessment report to export correctly.

Review and provide feedback on data entered in Nuventive

  • Topics will vary depending on faculty requested training that presents during the preliminary review.
  • OOA and AVP Academic Affairs will provide 30-minute to 1-hour workshops to help programs with the development of a culture of assessment within their areas.
  • Various options for training and consultation will be available: one-on-one, small group (10 or less), large group (10 or more), and asynchronous courses mandated for faculty by faculty.

Creation of faculty requested development and open sessions to support assessment review

  • Perform detailed analysis of data to determine if achievement is met based on the established criteria. Analysis should be specific to connecting achievements of student learning and identifying learning gaps.
  • Review and discuss data with department Chairs and faculty to strategize continuous improvement efforts for student learning.
  • Upon analysis and discussion of data, enter comprehensive finding details for each criterion and planned uses of results in Nuventive.
Where achievement targets are not met, a plan of action is required.

Analyze collected data and complete Closing the Loop section in Nuventive

  • In Nuventive, OOA will review the submitted plan and provide feedback.
  • Assessment Coordinators/Program Chairs will review feedback and implement actions to improve the assessment plan for the next academic year.
Program CLO revisions due to CPAC (UAC or GAC).

Evaluate and provide feedback on the assessment report based on an approved rubric

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Program Level

  • Each program reports annually on their assessment activities, their results, and progress in completing their approved Student Learning Assessment Plan

College Level

  • Each college reviews program reports as delineated in the college policy and procedures on assessment.

  • Each college reviews program reports as delineated in the college policy and procedures on assessment.

Committee Level

  • The Academic Programs Assessment Committee reports PLO annual assessment completion to Rules and Provost or designee.

University Level

  • The University Assessment Committee (APAC) and administrators working on assessment write an annual report about the state of assessment at the University to be submitted to the Provost and President. This report is also distributed to the University community.

We appreciate you taking the time to review the assessment cycle timeline!For a stationary view of the timeline copy this link and paste it into your browser: https://view.genially.com/670edc92d21493d4844350a7/mobile-copy-ewu-assessment-cycle-timeline-slide-show-v2

Thank you!

  • Review the prior year's assessment cycle plan to address findings for continuous improvement.
  • Reevaluate and establish goals to align with institutional goals, academic initiatives, and accreditation requirements.

Examine program goals

Review and establish Student Learning Outcomes and course objectives

  • Review, update, and align Program Learning Outcomes and Course Learning Outcomes.
Program Learning Outcomes should be evaluated consecutively for three years (Fall 2024 - Summer 2027).

College, Mission Statement, Assessment Unit Contact, and Date of Next Review.

Enter assessment information in Nuventive Improve.

Complete the following sections:

General Information:

Program Assessment:

Program Learning Outcomes (needs to be a name, do not use PLO1 as the name of your PLO), Program Learning Outcomes (Determine XYZ...),Outcome Status (Active), Planned Assessment Cycle, Start Date.

Assessment Method:

Assessment Method Status (Active), Assessment Method Category, Assessment Method (Describe the assessment tool, including the assignment as explained to students and the rubric), Performance Target (Targets are the desired level of performance you want to see, as measured by indicators, that represents success at achieving your outcome. This should be decided before the data is collected and analyzed).