eBilling Mobile Navigation Guide
Charlie Gibbs
Created on October 9, 2024
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Interactive eBilling Mobile Guide
Home screen
This is an interactive presentation which will allow you to see what the customer experiences when navigating through their eBilling account on a mobile device. How to use: Please click on the "Pelican yellow" arrows and play button icons throughout the page to access the pages that the customer sees. Please use the button in order to return to the home page. "Please ignore the register button below and do not scroll down"
Home screen
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
Home screen
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
Home screen
Otherwise click on the arrow by the three lines on all pages and you will return to the home page.
The home screen button will allow you to return to the home page.
Do not scroll down
The customer will need to select "Delete" in order for the account to be removed. The customer will have a pop up that confirms they want to delete the account
Delete Account
My Profile
The greyed information on the far left states "customer reference number, mailing address postcode" and "account holder surname" This is the information the customer would have used to register their account. This information is static and will not reflect any changes such as address or surname. The second lots of information is the profile the customer has built. This information can be changed and does not affect Rapid.
My Account Details
The customer can update their contact details on this section. If the customer would like to change the names on the accounts they will need to contact us using the Submit Enquiry section.
The customer will need to input their old password and then select their new password.They will need to confirm the new password and press save password.
Change Password
Once the customer sign ups for the eBilling portal.By default they will have paperless billing however they can toggle between having the eBilling account but still paper bills as shown here
Paperless Billing
The customer will need to select "Delete" in order for the account to be removed. The customer will have a pop up that confirms they want to delete the account
Delete Account
My Account Details
The customer can update their contact details on this section. If the customer would like to change the names on the accounts they will need to contact us using the Submit Enquiry section.
My Profile
The greyed information on the far left states "customer reference number, mailing address postcode" and "account holder surname" This is the information the customer would have used to register their account. This information is static and will not reflect any changes such as address or surname. The second lots of information is the profile the customer has built. This information can be changed and does not affect Rapid.
Once the customer sign ups for the eBilling portal.By default they will have paperless billing however they can toggle between having the eBilling account but still paper bills as shown here
Paperless Billing
The customer will need to input their old password and then select their new password.They will need to confirm the new password and press save password.
Change Password