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Policy, Politics & Nursing.



Notes nursing stuff

Use with caution

This is BOB and he is a second year student nurse. Today we are going to try and teach bob 3 things.

1. why nurses, do / do not get involved in the policy process..​2. how policy is made and implemented.3. how the policy process can be influenced. ​

Learning outcomes




Why is it important as a nurse BoB knows about policy & politics ?

Just tell me why ?

5.12​ Understand the mechanisms that can be used to influence organisational change and public policy,​ demonstrating the development of political awareness and skills.​ ​ NMC (2018)

7.13 ​ Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of exercising political awareness throughout their career, to maximise the influence and effect of registered nursing on quality of care, patient safety and cost effectiveness.

here's the link

3.4 ​ Act as an advocate for the vulnerable, challenging poor practice and discriminatory attitudes and behaviour relating to their care​ - NMC (2018)


How might BoB achieve these standards in practice & as a professional ? ​ ​ what are the barriers ?

its easy ....... said no one ever !

The Evidence

Evidence suggests these are the main barriers.

Dont forget to scoll down the barriers

The Evidence

Here are some other barriers .

  • No role models
  • Not sure where to Start
  • Lack of organisational support
  • Lack of Public support


Evidence suggest the biggest factor is education, so lets educate BoB

But First. . .

Do you need a break ?

I really need a wee

NHS England


ICB's, Hospitals & Councills

The Policy Journey

Here's a brief overview

Watch the video and answer the following questions

Differences between Law and Policy

The government debate and decide policy. publishing documents as workable plans or by introducing new laws to achieve particular goals.

Who Knew ?

The government debate and decide policy. publishing documents as workable plans or by introducing new laws to achieve particular goals.

Who Knew ?

These plans are then passed on to organisations such as NHS England to devise into workable plans and decide where to allocate resource such as money.

I probably should have got a bus

ICB’s oversee Hospital and GP resources but also work with other partners such as councils, private companies and Universities. They will scale down national plans to a local level, delivering resources (money) to the most appropriate organisation. Monitoring progress ensuring the plans are achieved




The Policy Journey

But how does it get to staff ?

Chief executives and directors of hospitals OR Partners of GP practices will then be directed by ICB’s on what new national regulations or policies to work towards, receiving funding in the form of an annual budget to achieve these goals. The Executive team will then decide on the best strategy to deliver this workload.

Once a plan has been decided this is then passed down to managers from governance teams to head nurses and matrons. They will decide how to best implement these plans in their local and clinical areas. This level of management are also usually accountable to for monitoring progress and collecting data. Although this can be done by all levels.

This is then carried down to the shop floor where clinical staff will implement and carry out the new changes of working. It is important to remember that patients also have a say in this process. Their feedback and complaints as well as the views of clinical staff are collected and used to inform the progress of new policies and make any changes.

OHHHHH . . . now i get it


How do i get involved .

Should BoB get involved in the policy process and why is it important?



Professional needs


Organisational neds

Personal beliefs






Hover over the + buttons to learn more

The NMC stets standards to ensure nursing values are reflected in care underpinned by policy. Both the code and proficiencies state we have a professional obligation to influence the policy process.

Advocacy. we need to ensure patient and nurses voices are considered when policy decisions are made. This way we can ensure decision are made to give the best care possible.

If nurses' voices aren't considered in policy, we can't ensure policy enhances both care and our rights as workers and nurses

Organisations value feedback to understand problems that face patients and staff. Working together to solve them

All feedback can be valuable, people want the care they give and the organisations they work for to reflect their own values.






Think Tanks


Charities / Other


Influencing​ policy and law.




Voting allows individuals the opportunity to elect a member of parliament (MP) to represent them in Westminster. Mp's decide Law and Policy on a national level Individuals can lobby their MP to exert influence over the policy process.

Consultations can be open to the public or specific groups. They are a way of gathering thoughts and data on a subject. Often in survey from but can sometimes be group interviews. They are usually carried out before policy is created.

Unions represent groups of people from the same profession both locally and nationally. Unions represent the one collective voice of its members and represents there needs or views when influencing changes of policy, working conditions.

Surveys are often used by organisations to collect views of its employees. These views are considered with other data when deciding how to spend its resources or change internal policies. In the NHS some surveys are mandatory, required by The Gov.

Think tanks are bodies of professionals that conduct their own research (i.e. the Kingsfund). These reports are commissioned on behalf of government or privately funded. They are then submitted as evidence to parliament to inform policy making.

Charities and pressure groups lobby MP’s and government departments to influence change. This can be done by direct action such as raising awareness of a subject allowing the public to act for themselves. Some bigger charities also conduct research

For your assignment you may wish to take part in a public consultation or petition and write about it. ​ ​ Positives- You can play an active part in democracy and your views will be considered in the policy creation process. ​ ​ Negatives – Consultations can often be difficult to find and only open for certain amounts of time. They can also be restricted to professional groups or those with specific knowledge on a subject. ​ ​ There is a guide to consultations and how to find them on blackboard.

Now we are experts

Consultations & Petitions


EVERYONE has a voice & ANYBODY can get involved

Assisgnment Overview

Ohh Great ...

1. Examine policy and legislation in relation to contemporary nursing practice. 2. Evaluate how policy or law influence local health organisations and local populations.3. Analyse the ways in which nurses influence policy or politics.


3000-word written assignment

20minute recorded presentation

10minute audio-visual creation



Write a letter to your local MP outlining the arguments for and against a topic relating to contemporary nursing practice

Analyse a local Trust policy and compare and contrast with national policy and legislation.



Engage in an ongoing public consultation and explore how you can influence outcomes.




hover here

The End

  • Respect people's right to their beliefs, values and viewpoints.
  • Engage in professional conversations using a civil tone in debates.
  • Practice Inclusion - Be Proactive / Present / Persistent / Passionate