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Used in academic settingsOrganize and analyze existing literature on a topicRequire proper citation of sourcesInvolve critical analysis of sources and their relevance to a research topicCan be used as stepping stones for more extensive research projects or papers

1. Brief descriptions and evaluations of each source

Annotated Bibliography and Literature Review

7. Requires summarizing and evaluating skills

7. Reqires synthesis and analysis skills

5. Each entry is one source

5. Compares and contrasts sources

4. Multiple sources cited in one paragraph

6. Rigid format with similar structure for each entry

6. Flexible structure, essay-like format

4. Sources treated individually

3. Provides a comprehensive orverview of current state of knowledge on a topic

3. Entries include full citation information and a brief summary

2. Organized alphabetically by author

2. Organized by theme, methodology, or chronology

1. Synthesis and analysis of multiple sources

Literature Review Example


Citations are integrated into paragraphs and paragraphs are organized thematically,



Annotated Bibliography Example