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Digital footprint

You can use any photo, gif, or illustration you like to mix in some multimedia content.

Incognito mode is when certain browsers allow you to search things privately allowing the limit to data storage and allowing you to leave no record of where you have been online.

Incognito Mode

An IP address is an unique online address that can reveal your location allowing people who can hack into your computers, laptops, phones etc to see where you are in the world, this is why IP spoofers like a VPN are important to use while online

A digital footprint is the trail of data you leave when using the internet, this can include social media activity, browsing history, emails and the apps that you use on your phone or laptop. It can act as a passive and active.

What is a digital footprint?

A A VPN is a virtual private network that masks your IP address and can encrypt your connection protecting you from third parties that want to take and sell your data along with protecting yourself from doxxing if you're online


Being cautious of what you share online through social media and other platfroms is very important, this is due to the fact that people can lie about a lot of things online, make sure you read news articles properly before sharing as it might not actually agree with what your views are and always think about what you post before you do share

Sharing thing online

SSocial media platforms like facebook, instagram and twitter track what you do on their app, they track your likes, your posts and your interations. They do this to target specific advertisements towards you.


Internet cookies are small file of information that a web server sends to your web browser, they use this to remember your information and learn your prefrences for next time you visit the site.
