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Sylvia Cole


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What is FUN and Good for YOU ?


Scottish Country Dancing

Scottish Dancing Video

Scottish Dancing first appeard in the 18th C. It involves groups of dancers. The dances have specific names eg. Jigs Reels and Sword. The music comes from the Gaelic Tradition of the Highlands of Scotland.These dances are found wherever the Scots have travelled and settled in the world.

Morris Dancing

Appeard in England in the 15th C and developed from dances from across the rural areas. Mainly used for praising nature and asking for a good harvest. Their costumes are often adorned with sticks, swords and handkerchiefs. The music is usually from a solo instrument. It is often considered to be essentially English.

Morris Dancing Video

Line Dancing

Its modern form developed in the 1970sand 80s. It became popular in country and western bars and clubs. US servicemen brought it to Europe and it was quickly adopted in the UK. The dancers stand in line rather than facing each other. Each dance is known by the song to which it is danced. Classes are held to learn the dances.Line dancing events are held around the country and dancers can just turn up, join a line and dance. They do not need to know people to dance, but soon get to know folk to socialise.

Physical Health

Dancing helps to strenthen bones, muscles and joints. It raises the heart rate, so there is a good blood flow to the extremities, and the organs. Dancing also has a good effect on the immune system.


All dances have a pattern that has to be learned,and remembered, so good for the brain.

There is a code of dress so a a feeling of belonging to a group or tribe. Members are not competing to be better than others, therefore not a stressful situation.

Tribes also tend to relax and socialise outside of the main activity, which helps to improve a sense of of self.