Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Group 1

Safe Travel


At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • know how to plan your trip
  • understand budgeting
  • recognise safety issues

Stages of Planning

Build itinerary

Book vaccinations

Pack bags!

Check passports


Research activities

Book flights/hotels

Research local customs

Check calendar/dates



Group Activity

Discuss and draft a holiday plan for a European city. You have 20 minutes.


  • Food/Drink - 24%
  • Accommodation - 20%
  • Transportation - 24%
  • Activities - 12%
  • Miscellaneous - 10%
Budget £5000


What are the main issues/areas that can affect safety on holiday?


'A picture is worth a thousand words and interactivity is worth a thousand pictures' -Genially


Need more reasons to create dynamic content?

In the competitive business world, Genially is your tool to achieve effectiveness through visual communication. Through interactive presentations, animated reports, and dynamic dashboards, you can turn data into powerful narratives that capture attention and facilitate understanding.

But don't stop there; enhance persuasion and decision-making with content that speaks the language of interactivity. The stories you tell will not only inform, but also inspire action and promote a deeper connection with your stakeholders.

Genially is your must when it comes to communicating strategic decisions, promoting a significant change in the way companies communicate and engage with their audience. It is a powerful tool that will help you stand out in your day to day and captivate your target audience.

