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Yn y gweithgaredd hwn, byddwch yn archwilio senarios amrywiol a fydd yn eich helpu i ddeall pwysigrwydd ymagweddau cadarnhaol ac ymyriadau priodol mewn lleoliadau gofal plant. Cofiwch, fel gweithiwr gofal plant proffesiynol, cyfrifoldeb pawb yw diogelu a hyrwyddo lles plant.

Cychwyn Senario

Gweithgaredd Efelychiad Deialog

Efelychiad Deialog - Senario 1 (Emma)

Mae Emma, ​​plentyn yn eich gofal, yn dawel iawn ac yn encilgar. Ar ôl ychydig o anogaeth dyner, mae'n datgelu bod plentyn arall wedi bod yn ei bwlio. Mae Emma i'w gweld yn ansicr ynghylch sut i fynegi ei theimladau a beth i'w wneud nesaf. Beth ydych chi'n ei wneud?

Rhoi cysur i Emma a sicrhau y byddwch yn ei chefnogi. Siarad â'i rhieni/gwarcheidwaid am y sefyllfa.

Diystyru teimladau Emma gan ddatgan iddi anwybyddu'r bwlio.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Emma)

You comfort Emma and reassure her that you will support her. You speak with her parents/guardians about the situation. Emma's parents seem confused about what steps to take next. What do you do? 

Provide Emma's parents with more information about the support available and suggest involving the childcare centre's support team.

Tell Emma's parents that there's nothing more to do and hope the situation improves on its own.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Emma)

Emma is upset you have dismissed her feelings. The bullying continues. What do you do?

Comfort Emma and reassure her that you will support her. Speak with her parents/guardians about the situation.

Tell Emma's parents that there's nothing more to do and hope the situation improves on its own.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Emma)

Emma feels more isolated and upset. She loses trust in you.

Try again.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Emma)

Emma's parents appreciate the information and agree to work with you to address the bullying. You all agree to involve the childcare centre's support team to ensure Emma feels safe and supported. What do you do? 

Follow up with Emma and her parents regularly to ensure the bullying is addressed and Emma feels safe.

Assume the problem is solved and do not check in with Emma or her parents again.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Emma)

The bullying continues because no follow-up was done. Emma's situation does not improve and her parents are frustrated.

Move on to the next scenario.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Emma)

Emma feels supported, and her parents are grateful for your continued assistance. The bullying stops, and Emma is much happier in the setting.

Move on to the next scenario.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Riley)

Riley, a child in your care, tells you that a staff member has been making comments about their accent. Riley feels embarrassed and singled out, and mentions that this has made them feel uncomfortable and excluded. What do you do?

Listen to Riley's concerns and reassure them that their feelings are valid. Explain that you will help them and involve their parents in addressing the issue.

Tell Riley that they are overreacting and that everyone gets teased sometimes.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Riley)

You listen to Riley’s concerns and reassure them that their feelings are valid. You explain that you will help them and involve their parents in addressing the issue. Riley’s parents are concerned and want to support them in making a formal complaint. What do you do?

Provide Riley and their parents with detailed guidance on how to file a formal complaint and offer to support them throughout the process.

Give Riley’s parents a leaflet about the childcare setting's complaints procedure and leave them to figure it out.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Riley)

Riley feels dismissed and even more isolated. Their parents are frustrated and lose trust in the childcare service.

Try again.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Riley)

Gwaith da! Good work. [Continue]

With your support, Riley and their parents file the complaint successfully.The issue is investigated, and the staff member involved receives disciplinary action and training on equality and inclusion. Riley feels safer and more included.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Riley)

Riley and their parents are still unsure about the steps and feel unsupported. What do you do?

Offer additional support and guide Riley and their parents through the complaint procedure.

Explain you're very busy, and Riley and their parents will have to manage the situation on their own, hoping they figure it out eventually.

Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Riley)

Riley is upset you have dismissed their feelings. The discrimination continues. What do you do?

Ignore Riley's concerns, they may be overreacting.

Listen to Riley’s concerns and reassure them that their feelings are valid. Explain that you will help them and involve their parents in addressing the issue.

Final Feedback

Da iawn! These scenarios highlighted the importance of supporting children and their families in making complaints and challenging practice that does not support equality, diversity, and inclusion. As a Childcare professional, your role is crucial in ensuring all children feel safe, respected, and included, and in promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. Click 'Next' to continue with the course.