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TEAL Framework


1. Professional development

6. Active In-person learning

2.Accessible Resources

7.Equitable and Inclsuive Aprroach

3.Authentic & secure assessment

8.Career First approach

4.Timely and relevant feedback

9. Particpation in SoTL

5.Active and Varied Online learning

10.Annual Reflection on Practice

All staff who teach are expected to undertake annual training and development around learning, teaching and assessment

All staff who teach are expected to create effective inclusive classroom learning environment.

All staff who teach are expected to develop accessible resources for all our students. To find out more complete the inclusive curriculum self paced course

All staff who teach are expected to strive towards creating a learning experience that is responsive, flexible and communal.

Staff who teach can designing a diverse range of assessments across modules, offers all students an enhanced learning experience.

All staff who teach are expected to embed employability into the learning and teaching resources and assessment practices across all modules.

All staff who assess should create specific, clear, constructive, relevant, actionable and forward-looking feedback.

All staff who teach are expected to engage in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning that support improvements to learning and teaching practices within disciplines.

All staff who teach should be actively enhancing online learning experience through the VLE, providing students with interactive activities that promote autonomy and collaboration.

All staff who teach are expected to complete mandatory continuing professional development and record a personnel reflective account about your learning in your PDR.

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