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Other Partners:European Commission services, EEAS, EUDELs, Frontex, Eurojust and other donors and international/regional organisations in the area

Funded by DG NEAR

CEPOL (project lead) & EUROPOL48 months

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

Training and Operational Partnership Against Organised Crime




Increased effectiveness of joint response mechanisms between EaP and EU MSs law enforcement authorities


Strategic analysisPriority crime area InsightCommunity building, exchange and coordination

OTNATraining portfolio

Increased analytical dialogue

Increased knowledge and operational capacities

Strategic cooperation forum EMPACT support network

Improved strategic and support networks

Strategic and support NETWORKS

To facilitate inter-agency cooperation and exchange the knowledge, information and good practices across the regions in the field of criminal investigations and fight against organised crime

Component 1:

Identification and validation of needs and solutionsPromote information exchange

Fostering a multidisciplinary approachDevelopment of guidelines and methodologies

Strategic Cooperation Forum

EMPACT Support Network


Strategic analysisPriority crime area InsightCommunity building, exchange and coordination

OTNATraining portfolio

Increased analytical dialogue

Increased knowledge and operational capacities

Strategic cooperation forum EMPACT support network

Improved strategic and support networks




A multiannual, multidisciplinary, and multi-layered, hands-on and interactive training portfolio focusing on the identified crime priorities and qualifications.

Component 2:

(Sub)regional and national training coursesDigital learningTrain-the Trainer and multiplication coursesMentoring and Exchange programme Emerging trainig needs

OTNA report 2026Identification of core capability gaps

Training portfolio

Drug trafficking


Firearms trafficking

Migrant smuggling

Trafficking in human beings

Online child sexual exploitation

Organised property crime


Enhanced capacities
Regional curricula
  • Part of an integrated capacity-building portfolio
  • Independent Learning Phase preceding trainings

(Sub)regional trainings

Focus on crime areas stemming from the findings in the EAP TA

Thank you!


Mapping the effectiveness and extent of joint responses by EaP institutions in combatting organised crime and criminal threats

Inter-service coordination in the area of security as an enabler of regional cooperation to combat organised crime

Overarching theme



Migrant smuggling

Organised property crime


national level


Regional curricula


Train the Trainer

3-6 months duration

4 courses, incl. training material

4 (sub)regional trainings

Training course

Based on findings, the EU and regional priorities and needs of partners

ESN workshops

2025: Refine the guidelines for EMPACT mechanism

Horizontal aspects

Thematic workshops

EMPACT related cooperation

Inter-service cooperation

2028: Strategic analysis and data exchange

2024-2027: THB, firearms, drugs, cyberattacks, child sexual abuse, and intellectual property crime

2024: Effective strategies to participate in JAD operations

Enhanced capacities

Short or long term duration

4 study visists

4 (sub)regional trainings

Drug trafficking

Firearms trafficking

Trafficking in human beings

Online child sexual exploitation



Training course

Based on findings, the EU and regional priorities and needs of partners

ESN workshops

2024: Effective strategies to manage JAD operations

Thematic workshops

Horizontal aspects

Inter-service cooperation

EMPACT related cooperation

2024-2027: THB, firearms, drugs, cyberattacks, child sexual abuse, and intellectual property crime

2028: Strategic analysis and data exchange

2025: Refine the guidelines for EMPACT mechanism