Historical Presentation
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Created on September 30, 2024
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Given Circumstances
Inner Monolgues
Full Day Rehearsals
Log Books
First Run Through
Compisition 1
Secondary Role
His, Soc, Cul, Research
1. First Impression
2. Summary of play
3. Play Research
5. Audition
6. Character Research
The vibe I get, is that it's an emotional play however there are many moments of comedy/dark comedy. I think we could make it into a musical but not a cheesy musical. I also feel like it has a greek background possibly? As there are kings, lords, goddesses, etc. The costumes could be really interesting if we go with this greek vibe.
The first time I read through Pericles, I was confused. There was incest, marrige, shipwrecks, famine and so much more. There's so many different stories happening throughout the whole play that it's hard to keep up with. I don't think I would be able to understand the play thoroughly without research as there's a lot of context that's unanswered in the script. I didn't catch all the characters personalities or relations as I was more focused on the plot. From reading, so far I'd like to go for the role of Marina. I'd like to play her because I've never had a main role and would like to challenge myself with more lines and being on stage for longer durations.
A storm breaks out, Thaisa dies during childbirth and is buried at sea. He diverts his travels to Tarsus and hands over baby Marina to Governer Cleon and Dionyza. Thaisa's coffin is found by a nurse at shore in Ephsus, and is brung back to life. 14 years pass on and Marina has grown into a beautiful young woman, Dionyza becomes envious of her and arranges her to be murdered. Just before the knifes tip, she is abducted by pirates. They take her to Pander and his wife who sell girls to men as prostitues. As Marina is a strong-minded girl, she refuses any touch of any man and is bought to Pericles to cheer him up from his depression. As they get to know one-another they realise their relation. Eventually, Pericles reuinites with Thaisa.
Pericles is the Prince Of Tyre, is in hopes to find a wife. King Antiochus offers his daughters hand in marrige to whoever can solve his riddle, however either way he will die. Periclese figures out the riddle and realises the King wants his daughter for himself, therefore flees back home to Tyre, but the King has sent an assasin after him. He then travels to Tarsus to escape his death and provides food for the people in famine.He sets off again but is obstructed by a shipwreck which leads him to be saved by fishermen who take him to King Simonedes who is holding a jousting tournement for his daughter Thaisa. He wins the match and Thaisa's heart, years go by and they wed and are with child. King Antiochus passes away and Pericles and Thaisa set sail to claim the throne.
King Of Antioch
Owners Of a Brothel
Lord Of Tyre
Godess Of Chastity
Prince Of Tyre
Daughter Of Pericles
Periclese's Wife; Marina's Mother
Governer + Governess of Tarsus
Thaisa's Father; King Of Pentapolis
Pericles is a Jacobean era classical play written by William Shakespeare. He is an English poet and actor, born and raised in Birmingham. He's beleived to be the greatest English writer, across the world. William's career was during the late 1500's and the early 1600's. His best-known plays consist of Macbeth, Romeo+Juliet, A mids summer nights dream and many more. What made Shakespeares plays so unique, is how his plays have such swift changes and variety of themes. Also, his scripts are are more like poetry instead of normal conversational scripts. In 1599, Shakespeare's Golden Globe Theatre in London, was built where we wrote his plays and were performed. Fun Fact: He couldn't spell growing up. In school, spelling wasn't apart of lessons. He would even spell his names in various different ways. It's well-known to be Shakespeare's first tragic-comedy. Pericles was published in 1609 and wasn't included as his collections of work until years on. The main inspiration for Periclese was a poem; Gower's Confessio Amantis. It is beleived that Shakespeare only wrote half of the play and the other half by George Williams (An Enlgish Dramatist).
Pericles is almost a play about storytelling itself, as well as telling a complicated narrative. The play is narrated by John Gower, a 14th century poet whose work inspired Shakespeare for the performance. Gower creates a scene with his words eve if the audience has already seen those scenes acted out. 'Shakespeare emphasies the importance of stories in keeping people together.
Family plays a main role in Pericles. There are loving families as well unhealthy family relationships; represented through Antichus's incestuous relationship with his daughter. Ultimatley, the play is created so that Pericles starts a family, loses that family then reuintes by the end. 'Family members will always be connected even when seperated'.
Fate is usually represented through gods, however in Pericles it is unclear what stance it has on Pericles. Most of the play, he is riddled with problems testing his courage and will. On the other hand, it is shown that the gods are protecting him; despite seperating his family, they are reuinted. I think fate is used to acept that life is can be unpredictable and fate is beyond one's control.
Sex is represented by healthy/loving sexual relationships, continuing the family line; Pericles+Thaisa.On the other hand, peverted sexual relationships; Antichous+Daughter as well as immortal sexual indulgences; seen at the brothel. The negative encounters are punished; King Antichous and his daughter are struck with fire by the gods and the owners of the brothel die from illnesses.
Pericles goes through a transformation as he earns to reads situations with more accuracy instead of judging them by appearance. For instance, he is enthralled by Antichus's daughter only to learn the truth. Later, he is unable to tell that his wife is actually alive and throws her overboard beleiving she is dead. By the end, he is matured and able recognise his daughter by putting the pieces together rather than appearance.
Pericles; Prince of Tyre, however he spends majority of the play in other islands and wandering the seas trying to get home. These travels bring him to meet plenty of Kings. Each of which rule differently. For instance; Antiochus abuses his power while Simondes is celebrated for his positive attitude towards his daughter's marrige. These rulers are presented to the audience through the same father/daughter dynamic. How he treats his daughter, shows their ways as leaders
- Experimentation is when you try something in a different way, or try something new even if it might not work, and try again and again until you find something that works for you. - It's important to use your imagination to develop our creative skills (Sponteniatity) - Classical Theatre is theatrical traditions of Ancient Greece and Rome, where drama today was strictly organised by plot and character, which is still influnced today. - The difference between Western and Eastern classical art; Western literature tends to be about philosophical themes like good vs evil, love and loss, etc. On the other hand, Eastern literature is commonly focused on spiritualaity and inner reflection.
For dancers especially, it's important to be able to move and feel with the timing of music. Without musicality, there is less passion or emotion.
Sensitivity or feeling for music.
- Musicality
It's important to understand the character your playing so you can make the audience feel as though you are really living that characters life.
Representing something or someone.
- Embodiment
It helps to use movement in a performance perhaps its a silent play or it helps to move the story along? Actions say a lot.
To express your feelings in a movement form.
- Physicalisation
Being able to be vunerable is important because otherwise the audience can't see how you or your character is feeling.
Action of showing ones feelings.
- Expression
Having this quality is needed to be able to volunteer or do something unplanned because it gets you out of your comfort zone.
The act of one being free.
- Spontenaity
Literature had a significant rise in this time (especially drama); the writing was both dark and questioning. Shakesepeare was the dominant writer and still is one of the most notorious writers worldwide. His prominent plays are still being performed professionally daily, in various countries. (E.g. Macbeth, Othello, Hamlet and many more.) Majority of his plays were tradgedy but he also had an incredible sense of humour. He wasn't the only great writer at this time, other powerful works were written by John Ford, Thomas Midleton, Ben Johnson, and more. What they had in common, all their plays were tradgedies. What made Shakespeare unique, is he was probably one of the first writers to present comedy in his pieces, he always had an aspect of comedy however his later plays were classed as tragic-comedys. The era was dark and complex so comedy stood out to other themes in drama.
Jacobean era was a period in British history that lasted during King James' reign (1566-1625). The took place just after the succesfull Elizabethan era. The Jacobean period was a heavily influenced by the arts (Literature, Architecture, Visual Arts). Majoirty of Visual Arts were developed from the influx of foreign artists living in England at the time.
From my research, I know that Pericles was written in the Jacobean era, specifically published in 1609. I'm not 100% certain, but I think the play was set arund that time as well, however there is no clear statement that states the time period of the play, so we decided for it to be jacobean. It makes sense to do this due to the way it's written.
- Tobacco was used greatley, by 1604, London had 7000 tobacconists and smoking houses.
- England and Scotland became one country - United Kingdom. But it wasn't all happy; the gun powder event was plotted where relgious extremeists tried to blow up parliment (this shows it was a heavily relgious period). - In Europe, the 30 years war began during the Jacobean era however King James kept England out of it. - Finances got out of control in England, even for the royals. King James inherited a debt of £350,000 from Queen Elizabeth however that had risen to £1,400,000 and was increasing by thousands annually. Jacobean era ended in a severe econmic depression origionating by an outbreak of the bubonic plague in London. (This shows how important it was to use your money wisley).
This riddle, written by the unamed daughter, reveals the truth about the chilling relationship between the father and daughter. It introduces a third, complicated character; the absent mother. If the king and the mother are 'one flesh', the daughter, does actually "feed on the mother's flesh". This leads to the question, is Antiochus also her son?
Pericles cover the disturbing theme of incest as King Antiochus lusts for his own daughter and therefore have a incestuous relationship that is found out by Pericles through the form of a riddle;
I am no viper, yet I feedOn mother’s flesh which did me breed.I sought a husband, in which laborI found that kindness in a father.He’s father, son, and husband mild;I mother, wife – and yet his child.
- INCEST: Incest was somewhat normal from thousands of year ago, however in the early 1600's it became a debalteable subject and it began to be looked down on. "William aluudes his disagreement with incest in his playwrights." Over half of Shakespeare's characters were involved in a incestuous relationship, which would often lead up to death, betrayal or going insane. "Accusations of incest amongst upper class were a frequent scandal but rarely punished". - This links to Pericles as the King lusts for his daughter and therefore have a incestuous relationship that is found out. Both historical and contemporary audiences of Jacobean incest plays are intruiged and horrified by such sexual explanation. Jacobean viewers shared similar perspectives as modern society combined with facination of the subject.
- DISEASES: Illness was marked by limited of medical knowledge, frequent outbreaks and lack of modern sanitation/basic hygeine. There were ALOT of diseases circulating for many years, particullarly the bubonic plague and small pox. The bubonic plague; a deadly disease transmitted by rats, is not mentioned in Pericles however it's likley that characters may have had it. The pox; a contagious disease that left surviors with permanant scars and illness, is mentioned a few times in the play, especially in the brothel as the girls would have been with multiple men with diseases. Hygeiene was often very poor; water was contaminated, open sewers, bad hygeine. Considering majoity of countries had populations of 200,000; it was easier for illness to spread due to overcrowdness, poor housing conditions and frequent food shortages.
- CRIME/MURDER: "Jacobean era had a bloodcurdling appetite for violence". As we know, Shakespeare loves to have murders in his plays, and is usually a tragic ending, so crime was a common theme for him. In the Jacobean era, it wad a very violent time as the King was a protestant and there were a lot of angry catholics which led to conflict between people as Jacobeans belived that being loyal to the king was an important moral. Luckily, in Pericles by the end nobody actually dies, which is unusual for a Shakespeare script. I beleive it was common for royalty to set out assasins to kill those who disobeyed or upset the King in any way.
Low-class brothels (which is presented in Pericles) were often small and cramped and located in run-down locations. They provided for poorer men and often associated with crime and drinking. The women working here worked for little money and lived in horrible conditins. The wealthier brothels were often placed in mor respectable neighbourhoods and cater to wealthier men. The church of England, looked down upon this trade linking it with sin and moral degration. Brothels were often depicted in Jacobean theatre. These plays often featured brothels to present contemporary concerns about sexal morality, class and social decay. One of the significant risks for women working in brothels was disease; which could lead to permenant illness or death. Majoirty of brothels were unsanitary. many prostitutes suffered from malnutrution, exauhstion and were frequently mistreated by the brothel owners and customers. In Pericles it is shown that the girls were not taken care of and seen more as objects/toys rather than humans.
- BROTHELS: While theatres claimed their spots in the London borough of Southwark, so did brothels (AKA "Stews") too. They beneifted greatley from this location as they were outside the city of London's juristdiction. Initially, they were tolerated as "neccasary evil" as they were made illegal. Eventually, many efforts were made to close them down however, this didn't put an end to prostitution but simply made it widespread throughout the streets of London, making it worse. Women working in brothels had little choice but to seel their bodies to survive as lack of education, work and money for women, led them into prostitituion. There was a harsh double standard where male sexual behavior was often excused or inferior where as women were judged more harshly.
SONG:Constant Craving - K.D Lang I chose this song because 'Constant craving' "relates to Samsara, the bhudist cycle of life and death", which relates with Pericles because when a life is born, someone dies.
MONOLGUE: "Niether of them is as bad as you. They rule you an you are at their command. Your state is one a tortured fiend in hell wouldn't trade fo all his suffering. You hold the doors for the foulest breed of men. The king who slinks round here to find his whore. The worst scum of the world thinks it's his right to slap you if he wants. And what you eat is tainted by the air of this foul place. Do anything but what your doing now. Empty chamber pots or cean the sewers. Make yourself apprentice to the hangman. All of those would be improvments on this."
WHO ARE YOU AUDITONING FOR AND WHY?"I'm auditioning for the role of Marina because she's the main female role, and i haven't had a role with a lot of lines yet so I really wanted to challenge myself with the line learning but also the feeling of being the main role. Also, I want to conquer my fear of singing infront of people so I feel like this could really help me. "
Go to Character Research
Go to Character Research
Go to Character Research
In the play, the scene (Act 2, Scene 1) is taken place just before the jousting tournament organsised by the King for his daughter.
My character in specific wanted to save the people from the shipwreck they just witnessed however the other 2 just want to get on with working. As Pericles makes his way onto their boat, they all take a liking to him. So perhaps they want to take him in with them.
I'm not sure where they have come from, but I know in the scene they are on the shore near the sea in Pentapollis, a costal city where King Simonedes rules who is father to Pericles' future wife; Thaisa.
The fishermen, even with minor characters, are an important role. I've always wanted to try acting with an accent, so I decided my character is from Northen Ireland. We've decided to play these characters very humuorous. So mine and Lily's character don't really like Bella's character as shes our boss, so we play around there. Also, since we've changed the roles to be women instead, it'll be flirty between them and Pericles to show off how confident and cheeky his character is and expands on the comedy.
Firstly, before they even meet Marina, Pander (her husband) considers retiring the buisness as buisness decreases however Bawd will not accept this so tries to convince him to carry on through song. It is shown throughout her dialgue that she is always thinking about money and buisness and clearly doesn't want to let go of it. When they buy Marina, they learn that she is a strong-midned dignified young woman who will be trouble for them. Bawd is trying the best she can to manipulate her into becoming a prostitute however Marina stands strong and rejects everytime. Eventually, Bawd is so displeased, she just wants to get rid of her and wishes she had never bought her in the first place. She realises that the Smallpox disease is the only thing that would disinterest the men who are buying, however Lord Lysimchas, their last hope, buys her, they never see her again.
Bawd is a pimp/ one of the owner's of the brothel in Myteine. She is Pander's wife and perhaps is in higher position than him. She is a funny character but can be manipulative and intimidating when needed. She plays a keyrole in the subplot involving Marina who has been abducted and sold to them. Her primary role in the play is to exploit Marina and profit from her beauty and sexual innocence as she is concerned with financial gain. Althoughs she tries to persuade Marina to take on the role of a prostitute, she resists her and stays true to herself. In her dialogue it is clear that her values revolve around exploiting others for personal gain. I imagined Bawd as a rough character and a bit cockney, so me and Freddie have decided to have cockney accent's for these characters to make characterisation a bit easier. Bawd's treatment towards Marina, is there to highlight Marina's strong character as she resists the pressure of the degradtion of the brothel. Eventually the power she has over Marina, lessens. Overall, Bawd emodies the darker side of society.
Bawd, Pander and Bolt are introduced later in the play; Act 4. In the time span, Marina is now a teenager (around 15) and Pericles is in a state of dispair. Around this time (Jacobean era) it was very common for girls to become prositutes in order to survive.
In Act 4, it is mostly taken place in Myteline, where the brothel is located. Myteline is an ancient city, lying off the east-coast. Pander owns a lower-class brothel (its rare that wealthier men come in to buy).
Gower is the narrator.
- Prepare and lead the band- Remeber motifs we create/improvise - Bring the band in for cues
- Ideas for soundtrack / Sound design -Mic Mapping- Knowing sound cues for recorded sounds -Keeping note of recorded and live sound used i rehearsal
Secondary roles.
I feel like I didn't fulfill my role as MD to the best I could. I feel that I could have conducted a bit more during the performance and rehearsal as well. I found it quite hard to juggle all the different roles as an actor, musician and Music Director. I tried my best to give Plando a heads up for the drum beats, I wrote down the cues and rhythms and that seemed to really help however I did sometimes forget some of the cues without it on stage. I think I did well helping Yasin when his cues are and which song he needs to prepare to play.
As the play was developing, we relaised we wanted it to be more musical theatre than we intended. Also, we wanted there to be more live music instead of recording, so we've either learnt the songs that we want to keep but swap for live, or created our own motifs:Updated Music Sheet:
Here is a list of songs that I first thought of when I read the play:
Secondary roles.
Originally, set wasn't my role, however nobody had the role so I wanted to put in a few of my ideas however not take on the role fully. Here is a powerpoint of my ideas:
Although costume wasn't my role, I helped pick out the costumes and brough in some things of my own that I thought would work.
Secondary roles.
First, we started to plan Act 2, Scene 1 (Fishermen scene). We thought it would be funny if they had a movement piece maybe with some singing (sea shanties). For now we went with the song "Drunken Sailor" just to practise with, we probably won't keep it. The prop we've included for this scene is the rope, as we're incooperating it into the movement piece (skipping and using it as something to do to look busy in the scene).
In the afternoon, we started to get practical and create out 'ingreidents' for this task. First, we decided the 3 still images, we came up with:1. Periclese winning the Joust with the knight defeated (on the floor). 2. Thaisa crowning Periclese with a wreath to show he won the game and her heart. 3. A moment in the ballroom scene.
GROUP: Lucy, Olivier, Freddie 3 Props We Worked With: Rope, Wreath, Wine, wooden sticks (fencing).MONDAY: As a whole class/company, we read through the play from Act 1 - 3. This really helped me because I wouldn't of been able to read it all myself at home I get distracted very easily, so reading it out together works for me. Even thought I did some research at home, it didn't help me understand as much as it does from reading it, I found out a lot more about the plot that I didn't know. I know majority of the characters and who they are now. Now I have a lot more ideas that I'd love to share with the group and see what everyone else has to offer and we can expand on eachothers ideas.
We cut out scene 2 because it didn't flow with the rest of the scenes and it wasn't too important. Next we worked on the jousting scene. A instrumental song from Star Wars 'Battle of the Jedi', was suggested, it has a very grand feeling to it so it works for now. Since jousting is on horses, and we don't have horses... we've gone for a fencing vibe instead because it's easier to do with the props we have available. We want to make this really interactive with audience, so getting them to join in clapping and cheering along with us will be the aim of this piece. Scene 4, is where Thaisa and Pericles meet and they have a feast. We decided to add in a big ballroom scene where everyone waltz (with Thaisa and Pericles in the middle) to really show Thaisa falling in love with Pericles. We chose a song, which everyone will sing together; 'Once upon a December' - Anastatsia (Disney) (Thaisa will sing the last verse). The wine bottle and wreath was used in this scene (to represent the setting + Pericles becoming husband of royalty).
Young Ruler Of Tyre; Pericles. He's a strong and classic hero-like character. At the start, he thinks all that matters is status and royalty, however as he grows and the play progresses he realises that love and family is what reeally matters. In my opinion, Pericles is someone who likes to help where ever and however he can even to those he doesn't rule. He goes through loss + grief in the play, but he also lives through happiness and being a hero.
King Of Pentapolis; Father Of Thaisa. Pericles wins the jousting tournament for the hand of his daughter, Thaisa. He is impressed with Pericles however Simonedes tests him by using insults to see if he is worthy. he then marries his daugter and son-in-law.
Thaisa; Daughter Of Simonedes. Pericles won her heart the moment he won her jousting tournement. Simonedes challenges her, explaining that Pericles is a bad catch, but she insists and they are married immediatley. On the way back to Tyre, she gives birth to her baby Marina however passes during. She is buried at sea but is later discovered at Ephesus and becomes at priestess. (She is reuinted with her family).
One of Pericles's advisors in Tyre; he takes care of him in his melancholy moods and convinces Pericles to flee Tyre to escape his death planned by King Antiochus. Helicanus takes over as ruler of Trye while Pericles is away, when he fails to return, the people of Tyre want to crown Helicanus but he refuses due to his loyalty to Pericles. He's a genuine, good man who belives Pericles is the one true ruler of Tyre.
Gower plays the narrator, coming on between scenes to retell the actions of the previous scenes and also instigates dumb-shows where more action is shown without conversations. In summary, he pulls all the threads together to hopefully make the audience understand the play to the fullest. John Gower is also the name of a writer who was a huge source of this play.
Governer + Governess of Tarsus; a city beset by famine. First meeting with Pericles, Cleon beleives he arrived with soliders and intent to overtake Tarsus but instead, he comes with corn to give to the citezens. Later on, they are chosen to take care of baby Marina however Dionyza (his wife) becomes envious of Maria plans to kill her due to her taking away praise from their own daughter. Cleon is stunned by her plot, both are punished in the end.
Marina was born at sea, where her mother passed whilst giving birth to her. Pericles (Her Father) couldn't bear the thought of raising her without her mother, so left her at Tarsus with Cleon + Dionyza. Marina was rasied as Royalty and grew to be a strong-minded and dignified young woman. Dionyza grew envious of her, planned her murder however was kidnapped and sold as a prostitute, but she fought her way out of every man who bought her. Eventually, she was reuinted with her parents.
Gower plays the narrator, coming on between scenes to retell the actions of the previous scenes and also instigates dumb-shows where more action is shown without conversations. In summary, he pulls all the threads together to hopefully make the audience understand the play to the fullest. John Gower is also the name of a writer who was a huge source of this play.
Goddess of chastity, hunting, ;she appears in Pericles's dream after discovering his daughters alive, telling him to go to her temple in Ephsus and reveal that his love, Thaisa, is still alive and well. Diana sets up the reuinion of the family.
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King Of Pentapolis; Father Of Thaisa. Pericles wins the jousting tournament for the hand of his daughter, Thaisa. He is impressed with Pericles however Simonedes tests him by using insults to see if he is worthy. he then marries his daugter and son-in-law.
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Young Ruler Of Tyre; Pericles. He's a strong and classic hero-like character. At the start, he thinks all that matters is status and royalty, however as he grows and the play progresses he realises that love and family is what reeally matters. In my opinion, Pericles is someone who likes to help where ever and however he can even to those he doesn't rule. He goes through loss + grief in the play, but he also lives through happiness and being a hero.
Marina was born at sea, where her mother passed whilst giving birth to her. Pericles (Her Father) couldn't bear the thought of raising her without her mother, so left her at Tarsus with Cleon + Dionyza. Marina was rasied as Royalty and grew to be a strong-minded and dignified young woman. Dionyza grew envious of her, planned her murder however was kidnapped and sold as a prostitute, but she fought her way out of every man who bought her. Eventually, she was reuinted with her parents.
The merciless King of Antioch. After his wife's death, he began to lust for his own daughter. When a prince, sailor or any man comes with desires to marry his daughter, he tests them with a riddle; you either answer correctly or die. Antioch is the first place the play is taken place which leads to Pericles's close call to death.
The merciless King of Antioch. After his wife's death, he began to lust for his own daughter. When a prince, sailor or any man comes with desires to marry his daughter, he tests them with a riddle; you either answer correctly or die. Antioch is the first place the play is taken place which leads to Pericles's close call to death.
Goddess of chastity, hunting, ;she appears in Pericles's dream after discovering his daughters alive, telling him to go to her temple in Ephsus and reveal that his love, Thaisa, is still alive and well. Diana sets up the reuinion of the family.
Pander: Common name for an owner of a brothel.Bawd: Common name for one who "takes care" of the prostitutes. Bawd is probably a Pander's wife. These two, buy Marina from pirates who kidnapped her from Tarsus before her murder. They try to convince her to lose her virginity but she keeps her dignity.
One of Pericles's advisors in Tyre; he takes care of him in his melancholy moods and convinces Pericles to flee Tyre to escape his death planned by King Antiochus. Helicanus takes over as ruler of Trye while Pericles is away, when he fails to return, the people of Tyre want to crown Helicanus but he refuses due to his loyalty to Pericles. He's a genuine, good man who belives Pericles is the one true ruler of Tyre.
Governer + Governess of Tarsus; a city beset by famine. First meeting with Pericles, Cleon beleives he arrived with soliders and intent to overtake Tarsus but instead, he comes with corn to give to the citezens. Later on, they are chosen to take care of baby Marina however Dionyza (his wife) becomes envious of Maria plans to kill her due to her taking away praise from their own daughter. Cleon is stunned by her plot, both are punished in the end.
Pander: Common name for an owner of a brothel.Bawd: Common name for one who "takes care" of the prostitutes. Bawd is probably a Pander's wife. These two, buy Marina from pirates who kidnapped her from Tarsus before her murder. They try to convince her to lose her virginity but she keeps her dignity. Bolt: He is their assistant. He goes out and finds customers for the girls.
Thaisa; Daughter Of Simonedes. Pericles won her heart the moment he won her jousting tournement. Simonedes challenges her, explaining that Pericles is a bad catch, but she insists and they are married immediatley. On the way back to Tyre, she gives birth to her baby Marina however passes during. She is buried at sea but is later discovered at Ephesus and becomes at priestess. (She is reuinted with her family).