Unit 001 - Slide 11 (DS - Positive Risk-Taking)
ACT Training
Created on September 30, 2024
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In this activity, you will explore various scenarios that will help you understand the importance of positive risk-taking in childcare.Remember, as a childcare professional, promoting children's well-being is everyone's responsibility.
Dialogue Simulation Activity
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Efan is confident and loves exploring his surroundings, while Haf is very shy and often clings to her mother during drop-in sessions. They are both due to start attending Dewi Sant Nursery. You are responsible for ensuring a smooth transition for both children.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Encourage Haf to join Efan in exploring the play area to build her confidence.
Haf is clinging to her mother and seems reluctant to join the activities. Efan, on the other hand, is already exploring the play area enthusiastically. What do you do?
Allow Haf to stay close to her mother and engage in quiet activities until she feels comfortable.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Da iawn, that's right. Allowing Haf to stay close to her mother initially respects her need for security and supports her gradual adjustment.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Anlwcus, that's not quite right. Pushing Haf to join Efan too soon might overwhelm her and hinder her confidence-building process.
Haf is engaging in quiet activities near her mother, while Efan continues to explore the play area. Efan seems to be getting a bit bored with the same activities. What do you do?
Focus solely on helping Haf, allowing Efan to entertain himself.
Provide Efan with a variety of challenging activities to keep him engagedand stimulated.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Da iawn, that's right. Offering Efan engaging activities helps meet his developmental needs while you also support Haf.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Anlwcus, that's not quite right. Neglecting Efan's need for stimulation can lead to boredom and behavioural issues.
Both children are now engaged in their respective activities.Haf is slowly becoming more comfortable, and you notice her glancing over at Efan, seemingly interested in what he is doing. What do you do?
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Keep Efan and Haf separated to ensure individual attention andprevent any discomfort for Haf.
Introduce activities that both Efan and Haf can enjoy together, encouraging interaction and shared experiences.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Da iawn, that's right. Encouraging shared activities helps Haf feel secure with Efan's presence and promotes social skills. Based on your choices, Efan and Haf settle into the nursery well, with Efan thriving in his activities and Haf gradually gaining confidence and participating more.
Move on to the next scenario.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 1 (Efan and Haf)
Anlwcus, that's not quite right. Keeping them separate might isolate Haf further and limit opportunities for positive social interaction.Unfortunately, Efan and Haf's parents are concerned about the lack of support. They feel their children's needs were not adequately addressed and would like to consider other childcare options.
Move on to the next scenario.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Seren loves exploring new things but is also known to have some risk-taking behaviours. You are planning an outdoor play session and need to ensure Seren's safety while encouraging her adventurous spirit.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
You are setting up the outdoor play area and considering how to make it safe yet stimulating for Seren. What do you do?
Limit the activities to safe, predicatable options to minimise risk.
Design an activity with a variety of challenging but safe equipment for Seren to explore.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Da iawn, that's right. Providing challenging yet safe activities allow Seren to explore and develop her skills in a controlled environment.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Anlwcus, that's not quite right. Overly limiting activities can stifle Seren's adventurous spirit and hinder her development.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
The outdoor play session is in progress. Seren is eager to explore the new equipment and starts climbing a low play structure. What do you do?
Allow Seren to play freely without direct supervision to encourage independence.
Assign a dedicated staff member to closely monitor Seren during the outdoor play session.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Da iawn, that's right. Close supervision ensures Seren's safety while she engages in risk-taking activities.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Anlwcus, that's not quite right. Without proper supervision, Seren may encounter hazards that could lead to accidents.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Seren is showing interest in climbing the play structure but appears hesitant.What do you do?
Warn Seren about potential dangers and discourage her from trying challenging activities.
Show Seren how to use the equipment safely and encourage her to try new activities.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Da iawn, that's right. Demonstrating safe usage encourages Seren to explore confidently and develop new skills.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Anlwcus, that's not quite right. Overemphasis on dangers can make Seren fearful and reluctant to try new things.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Da iawn!Based on your choices, Seren enjoys the outdoor play session, learning to navigate the equipment safely and gaining confidence in her abilities.
Move on to the final scenario.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 2 (Seren)
Anlwcus!Unfortunately, Seren's parents express concerns about the lack of encouragement for positive risk-taking and feel the nursery may not be developing her adventurous spirit adequately.
Move on to the final scenario.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
Iwan has shown an interest in cooking activities. You decide to set up a cooking station for him to explore under supervision.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
You are setting up the cooking station with various child-friendly utensils and ingredients. Iwan is excited to start cooking. What do you do?
Allow Iwan to explore the cooking station freely, providing minimal guidance to encourage independence.
Set clear boundaries and provide guidance to ensure he understands how to use the utensils safely.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
Da iawn, that's right. Setting clear boundaries and providing guidance ensures that Iwan understands how to use the utensils safely.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
Anlwcus, that's not quite right. Allowing Iwan to explore freely without guidance can lead to potential accidents.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
Iwan is excited to start mixing ingredients and using utensils.You notice he is attempting to use a knife. What do you do?
Let him explore independently to build his confidence, intervening only if necessary.
Stay close and supervise him closely to ensure he is safe while encouraging his creativity.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
Da iawn, that's right. Close supervision while encouraging creativity ensures Iwan's safety, allowing him to learn effectively.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
Anlwcus, that's not quite right. Without close supervision, there is a higher risk of accidents, even with the best intentions.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
Iwan accidentally spills some flour on the floor and looks worried. What do you do?
Discipline Iwan for making a mess, telling him he needs to be more careful.
Reassure Iwan that it's okay to make mistakes and help him clean up, encouraging him to continue.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
Da iawn, that's right. Reassuring Iwan and helping him clean up encourages a positive learning experience and resilience.
Continue to Final Feedback.
Dialogue Simulation - Scenario 3 (Iwan)
Anlwcus, that's not quite right. Disciplining Iwan for making a mess can discourage him and hinder his willingness to participate in future activities.
Continue to Final Feedback.
Final Feedback
In this activity, you explored the importance of positive risk-taking in childcare. Efan and Haf's story looked at giving support to confident and shy children in a nursery setting. Seren's story taught you how to encourage safe exploration and manage risk-taking behaviours during outdoor play. Iwan’s story highlighted the importance of providing guidance and supervision during activities to ensure safety while supporting creativity and confidence. Remember, as a childcare professional, it is crucial to ensure children’s safety while encouraging their adventurous spirit and supporting their learning and growth. Click 'Next' to continue with the course.
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