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You are worried about the environment. What do you do?

Wear pre-loved clothes, cycle more and recycle

Join (or start) your school’s eco group

Watch a TikTok or YouTube about climate change

Ask to sing songs about creation at church

You chose to serve others! Collect a Serve badge

Click this button to win another badge, check out which sessions in the programme are about serving other people in lots of different ways, or to look at the map and decide where to go next.

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You chose to worship God! Collect a worship badge

Click this button to win another badge, check out which sessions in the programme are about worshipping God, or to look at the map and decide where to go next.

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You chose to learnabout your faith! Collect a Learn badge

Click this button to win another badge, check out which sessions in the programme are about learning about God, or to look at the map and decide where to go next.

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You chose to think aboutthe way you live!Collect a Live badge

Click this button to win another badge, check out which sessions in the programme are about how you live your life, or to look at the map and decide where to go next.

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Win a badge

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Win a badge

Look at the map

Win a badge

Look at the map

Win a badge

Look at the map