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There is a hurricane and a lot of people are hurt or homeless. What do you do?

Talk to a friend about why bad things happen

Hold a fundraising event

Talk about what to do about climate change

Think about where God is during the crisis

You chose to be generous! Collect an Open badge

Click this button to win another badge, check out which sessions in the programme are about generosity and hospitality, or to look at the map and decide where to go next.

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You chose to noticeGod in the world! Collect a Notice badge

Click this button to win another badge, check out which sessions in the programme are about noticing God in the world and in the Bible, or to look at the map and decide where to go next.

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You chose to helpcreation to flourish!Collect a Flourish badge

Click this button to win another badge, check out which sessions in the programme are about the environment and eco justice, or to look at the map and decide where to go next.

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You chose to share your faith! Collect a Share badge

Click this button to win another badge, check out which sessions in the programme are about sharing your faith, or to look at the map and decide where to go next.

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Win a badge

Look at the map

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Look at the map

Win a badge

Look at the map

Win a badge

Look at the map