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La cellula

Membrana cellulare Protegge la cellula e permette di far entrare nutrimento e ossigeno e uscire anidride carbonica e tossine.

Mitocondri Producono energia per la cellula

Ribosomi Producono le proteine

Lisosomi Sono gli spazzini della cellula, eliminano le sostanze tossiche,

Nucleo E' il cervello della cellula e contiene cromosomi e DNA

Citoplasma E' liquido e contiene tutti gli organelli della cellula

If you want to include a video, copy the URL and paste it into the Insert tab in the Editor. You can activate options such as Autoplay, Loop, and Mute, depending on your preferences.

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Love what you see but have a video that fits better? Click the settings button that appears when you select the video and replace the URL in the settings options in the sidebar. Great content, great layout.