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How long did it last?

Major Event



Cenozoic Era


Development of Polar Ice Caps: During the Oilgocene, ice caps began forming in Antartica, This marked the start of major global cooling trends throughout the Cenozoic era.[2]

Continental Drift: During the Cenozoic era the continets continued to shift to their modern positions. This tectonic activity affected ocean currents which caused changes to the global climate.

Volcanic Activity: At the start of the Cenozoic era it is believed that major volcanic eruptions played a role in early climate change, such as those in the Deccan Traps in India.

Expansion of Grasslands: During the Miocene epoch, Grasslands were spreading across large areas. This prompted the evolution of grazing mammals such as bison and horses.

The Cenozoic Era began around 66 million years ago and is the current era. This era follows the Mesozoic era, the Cenozoic era is split into Paleogene, Neogene, and Quaternary periods.

The K-pg Extinction event marks the start of the Cenozoic era with the extinction of most species on Earth, which includes most dinosaurs. This event is believed to be caused by a meteor impact which created opportunities for mammals to become the dominant species by changing the enviroment.

The start of the Cenozoic era is noted by a warm climate but continually cooled, where eventually ice sheets start to form due to global cooling during the Oligocene epoch. [1]

The Cenozoic Era consists of a multitude of organisms with the rise of mammals and the diversification of both mammals and birds. During the era we see mammals grow in size and become the dominant land animal, while the marine life also diversified with the appearance of whales and other mammals in the sea.

Reference: [1]:(Hutchinson, David K., et al. “The eocene–oligocene transition: A review of Marine and terrestrial proxy data, models and model–data comparisons.” Climate of the Past, vol. 17, no. 1, 28 Jan. 2021, pp. 269–315, https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-17-269-2021.) [2]:(Davies, Bethan J., et al. “Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet Evolution during the cenozoic era.” Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 31, Jan. 2012, pp. 30–66, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.10.012.)

The Cenozoic era can be described as a time of dramatic change, it started off warm but shortly started to cool down leading to the formation of ice sheets forming in the Antartica. With the domination of lush forests early on in Cenozoic era allowing mammals to flourish, especially after the extinction of most dinosaurs. We see Primates appearing in trees, and the vast ice sheets cover much of earth by the Pleistocene, which gives rise to ice age creatures such as mammoths and saber-toothed cats. With this ice age early humans begin to thrive to the diverse climates of frozen tundras and plains leading to their rise in the modern-day.