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Conspiracy Theory and Misconception

Vaccination causes autism

Autism A developmental disability

What led people to think that vaccination could cause autism?

"The question is : Was it the vaccination that triggered autism or is it just a coincidence ?"

The theory that MMR vaccine can caused disease begin with an article of Andrew Wakefield, a medecine who published a study to demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism.

A controversial article

According to articles from Infovac, the CHU de Montpellier website and Wikipedia this theory is false, as proven by numerous studies on the subject that led the following scientific consensus : the MMR vaccine isn't a factor in the development of autism in children.

A simple coincidence



But who is Andrew Wakefield?

So why some parents have seen symptoms of autism in their children after vaccine ?

So why did people believe in this theory ?


Thanks for listening !