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The Roaring Twenties!

Welcome to this lesson plan! In it, you will find everything you need to continue working on our first chapter without me. Good luck and time to start!

Lesson 2 (à recopier à la suite du cahier!)

Lesson 3 - Activity 1

Lesson 3 - Anticipation

Lesson 3 - Activity 2 (sera faite en classe!)

Watch the video (du début jusqu'à 2 minutes 33 secondes seulement!) and answer these questions:

  1. Give the nature of the document. Can you remember the name of this movie?
  2. What is the situation and where is this party taking place?
  3. Who are the guests (what are their jobs / their social status)?
  4. What can you say about the women on this video based on what we already mentioned?
  5. How can you say it is the 1920s? Give as many details as you can based on what we learned before.
  6. What is the subject of the next lesson according to you?

  • Watch this video. Link it to the previous one and check your ideas. What is the subject of this new lesson?
  • Now, watch the video again and gather as much information as possible about it in your notebooks.