Eros Parlante 3^F 2024/2025
Simple Past:
- It is often used with:
- I met my friend yesterday.
Last week/month/year:
- She traveled to London last week.
Two days/one month ago:
- They moved to a new house one month ago.
Deates in the past:
- We got married on June 15th, 2010.

Present Perfect:
- It is often used with:
- Have you ever visited Paris?
- She has never been Japan.
- I haven't finished my homework yet.
- They have just arrived at the airport.
- We have already seen that movie.
- I have lived in this city for ten years.
- He has worked here since 2015.

Simple Past:
Affermative: subj + base form + -ed.
subj + irregulare past.
- I watched a movie last night.
- She went to the park yesterday.
Negative: subj + did not + base form.
- He did't play football last weekend.
Interrogative: Did + subj + base form?
- Did you visit your grandparents last month?
Short Answers: Yes, + subj + id.
No, + subj + did not.
Present Perfect:
Affermative: subj + have/has + Past Participle.
- I have finished my homework.
Negative: subj + have/has + not + Past Participle.
- She has not seen that movie.
Interrogative: have/has + subj + Past Participle?
- Have they travelled to japan?
Short Answers: Yes, + subj + have/has.
No, + subj + have/has + not.

Past Simple:
- finished experience and actions at a definite time in the past.

Present Perfect VS Simple Past

Present Perfect:
- actions/experience at a non specified time in the past;
- situations tha began in the past and continue now.