VF2F Induction - Your Qualification
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We're excited to have you onboard for the ILM Level 3 Award in Effective Mentoring. To get started, we recommend checking out the induction module. It's packed with all the essential information you need to excel in the programme. Happy learning!
Your Qualification
ILM Level 3 Award in Effective Mentoring
Work your way through the information contained in this lesson, but don't worry, you can revisit this section at any point during your programme.
A Guide to File Sharing
EMCC Membership
Association for Coaching Membership
Choosing your Mentees
Who is Eliesha?
Who is ILM?
Your IoL Membership
Qualification Overview
Reading List
Policies & Procedures
Working with your Tutor
Your Mentoring Practice
By now, you should have been in touch with the Eliesha team who will be there for you throughout your learning journey. You'll have a tutor who will provide you with all the subject-specific knowledge and support you need, and a Contract Manager and a Contract Administrator to handle all the program's administration. We are a close-knit team, so if you're ever unsure who to contact, don't hesitate to reach out, and we'll make sure to connect you with the right person.
Contact Details
Who is Eliesha?
ILM is the foremost provider of leadership, management, and coaching qualifications in the UK. With over 50 years of experience in learning and development, ILM is responsible for accrediting your qualification. Learners of ILM qualifications will receive complimentary access to The Institute's studying membership, thanks to their collaboration. Together, ILM and The Institute of Leadership are leading the way in championing the leadership and management agenda. ILM brings skills and assessment expertise, while The Institute provides research, knowledge, and professional membership. Studying membership opens a world of resources that help develop leadership skills, boost confidence, and enhance the learning experience.
Who is ILM?
The Institute outline benefits of their studying membership as being:
- Enhance your qualification experience by accessing more than 300 hours of learning content from a trusted, credible source, allowing you to work at your own pace.
- Gain access to the MyLeadership platform covering 5 core dimensions for great leadership.
- Evidence your commitment to leadership with My Learning Record, a place where we record all of your CPD and personal development.
- Network with like-minded professionals at The Institute’s events and learn from industry practitioners and experts.
- Keep informed of the latest thought leadership and trends affecting leadership practice through EDGE online journal and cutting-edge research.
Activate your membership
Your Institute of Leadership Membership
Through undertaking your qualification with Eliesha Training, you are able to access a one-year gifted membership to the Association for Coaching. This will either be a Introductory Associate Membership for those that are training to be a professional coach or Introductory Leader Coach Membership for those that are managers and leaders applying a coach approach within their organisations.By activating your free 12 month membership, you will be able to access to leading edge thinkers and leading edge thinking on what’s new and important in the coaching profession. As an AC member you will gain access to Membership Benefits that will help you develop, connect and keep up to date with industry insights. You will also benefit from the AC’s global reputation for coaching standards and excellence.Complete the form via the link below to register for your membership.
Registration Form
Your Association for Coaching Membership
EMCC UK is a professional membership organisation encouraging excellence and progression for mentors, coaches and supervisors. EMCC UK offers ILM learners studying for a coaching and mentoring qualification 25% off membership.EMCC outline membership benefits for ILM coaches and mentors as follows:
- Network with peers at Special Interest Groups and networking sessions
- Get preferential rates for national and global coaching and CPD events
- Access research papers and learn about the latest developments in coaching
- Continue your development with free webinars and coaching book clubs
- Use the EMCC UK logo to show your experience and boost your credibility
- Access to essential resources dealing with important topics, such as contracting, supervision, and health and wellbeing
Find out more
Your EMCC Membership
- Everyone needs a mentor, 5th ed, David Clutterbuck London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2014
- A practical guide to mentoring: using coaching and mentoring skills to help others achieve their goals, 5th ed, David Kay and Roger Hinds Oxford: How to Books, 2012
- The fit mentor: how to give people the mentor they need, Michael Heath Birmingham: CGW Publishing, 2012
- Coaching and mentoring: practical conversations to improve learning, Eric Parsloe and Melville Leedham London: Kogan Page, 2009
- Coaching and mentoring: what they are and how to make the most of them, Jane Renton London: Economist in association with Profile Books, 2009
- Mentoring in action, 2nd ed, David Megginson and others London: Kogan Page, 2006
- Is mentoring the new black? Jenny Garrett Training Journal, February 2013, pp66-69
- Bringing on the next generation, Susan Hewitt Training Journal, June 2011, pp45-49
- Somebody's watching me, Amy Duff Director, vol 63 no 8, April 2010, pp37
General Reading List
Kindly take a look at the policies and procedures that are relevant to your qualification process. You can return to these at any point throughout your programme.
Equality & Diversity
Access to Fair Assessment
Learner Code of Conduct
Online Safety
Reasonable Adjustments
Complaints & Appeals
Plagiarism & Candidate Malpractice
Policies & Procedures
After enrolling on the programme, you will be introduced to the team who will be supporting you - your Tutor, Contract Manager, and Contract Administrator. Building trust with your team is crucial, and your Tutor/Supervisor will always prioritise your needs while respecting your privacy. Your Tutor will be evaluating your coaching or mentoring sessions and giving you feedback - make sure to keep a record of this to include in your portfolio. The records of your tutorial support and mentoring supervision might be shared with ILM and regulators, as necessary. Your Tutor is there to guide, support, and supervise you every step of the way.
Your tutor will:
- Explain program expectations.
- Clarify assessment requirements.
- Agree on assignment submission dates.
- Give feedback on assignments.
- Discuss writing style, sources of support, finding coaches/mentees, and organising the recording of coaching/mentoring sessions observed by the Supervisor/Tutor.
- Review your progress.
- Provide mentoring supervision and feedback.
Working with your tutor
For this qualification, you must undertake and record a minimum of 6 hours of effective mentoring within an organisational context with a maximum of 2 individuals, plus a supervision meeting with your tutor.It is expected that as a mentor, you could be supporting someone: • From your team/staff • On a development programme, or • Who has come forward as a result of their development requirements Take the opportunity to explore working with different clients and challenges. To ensure you identify practice clients appropriate for your coach and mentoring practice, are they:
- A person from your team/staff
- A person who needs to raise their standard of performance in at least one area or a person who generally performs satisfactorily and is exceeding expectations in one or more areas of their work.
Your Mentoring Practice
Five things to consider when choosing your mentees
Well done! You have completed this section. Head back to your course page and continue working through your induction module.
Honesty Candid feedback from your mentees will be precious, so you need to encourage them to be honest.
Difference When choosing to mentor two individuals, aim for mentees who are different from each other. For instance, you might have one person you know from your direct office but not managed by you and another with no connection with your immediate team/responsibility/location.
Willingness Your mentees should make a voluntary commitment to be coached and mentored.
Availability Your mentees needs to be available for the planned one-hour sessions.
Get in touch
Eliesha Training Ltd,Newcastle House Albany Court, Newcastle Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7YB Tel: 0191 282 2800 www.eliesha.com
Go for “stretch.” In thinking about who would be a good mentee and what it might feel like to mentor them, ideally, you should look for relationships which will offer you a degree of challenge. Try to avoid the extremes of over-familiarity (within your “comfort zone”) and the unknown (which may put you in the “panic zone”).