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-Some genetic diseases are due to mutations in DNA. External factors such as exposure to ultraviolet light, diet or exposure to some agents promote these mutations. Although on many other occasions they occur simply due to errors in replication and failures in the DNA repair systems.

-The four basic components of DNA are nucleotides: adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). The nucleotides join together (A to T and G to C) by chemical bonds and form base pairs that connect the two strands of DNA.

-DNA contains approximately 3 billion base pairs that are divided into 23 pairs of chromosomes This enormous amount of information is responsible for determining the unique characteristics of each person, from their eye color to their predisposition to certain diseases.

-Human beings share around 99.9% of our DNA. Small differences in our DNA are responsible for individual differences between people, such as eye and hair color, height, and predisposition to certain diseases.

did you know that...?

Rosalind Franklin was a British chemist and crystallographer whose work was fundamental to the understanding of the molecular structures of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), viruses, carbon and graphite.

In the 1950s, he used the X-ray diffraction technique to image DNA. His famous photograph, known as “Photograph 51,” revealed crucial information about the helical structure of DNA. Although his work was fundamental, Franklin did not receive the recognition he deserved in his time. It was James Watson and Francis Crick, along with the help of Maurice Wilkins, who, based on Franklin's images and data, proposed the double helix model of DNA in 1953.