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Sales Enablement: Driving Deal Adoption (at Amazon) by Overcoming Salesperson Blockers

MBT3705: Final negotiated B2B sales research project

Dijonay Wedderburn M00588071


Sales Enablement

Research Objectives

Literature Review

Problem | Research Title


Reference List


Critical Reflection


Findings & Analysis

KSB 5 - Commercial AcumenKSB 7 - Applied Insights

  • Reduced deal adoption/ event participation
  • Decline in Sales Productivity
  • Frustration for Sales Teams
  • Poor SX
  • Failure to meet sales targets




Amazon SAS (Strategic Account Services) Deals Team

Sales Enablement: Driving Deal Adoption (at Amazon) by Overcoming Salesperson Blockers


Of sales leaders have a dedicated sales enablement team. (Alfred, 2022)

More than 60% of sales on the Amazon platform are driven by our third-party sellers. (Amazon, 2023)

Only 30% of sales persons time is spent on their core role of selling. The remaining 70% is spent on admin and inefficient processes. (Salesforce, 2024)

  • Administrative Complexity
  • Inefficient Communication
  • Lack of Education
  • Unclear Deal Submission and Requirement Guidelines

KSB 2 - Sales Planning

(CollabAgency, 2018)
Although Amazon's orginal mission was/ is to be the most customer centric company in the world. Our mission has since been adapated to include being the Earth's best employer. - In such a pledge comes the responsiblity to ensure teams are equipt and optimised for success in their roles.This can be acheived through utilisation of sales enablement - the process of strategically providing sales teams with the resources, tools, training etc. Needed to sell more effectively. This approach considers the impact of the sales person not just the customer in the sales cycle.

What is Sales Enablement?

Sales Enablement

KSB 4 - Developing ProposalsKSB 8 - Working with Others KSB 14 - Ethics, Trust & IntergrityKSB 15 - Management of Self KSB 7 - Applied Insights

Aims: Identify and understand key blockers that are faced whilst pitching and delivering deals in order to, develop strategies to overcome these barriers, enabling enhanced sales performance (deal adoption) at Amazon. Objectives: 1. Conduct interviews/ surveys with marketplaces consultants to identify blockers2. Analyse pre-existing sources and voice of the MC data to understand the impact 3. Research best practises for sales enablement to inform strategies4. Develop strategies that directly address discovered blockers along with an implementation plan Research Questions:1. How can I conduct research in a way that abides to both my workplace and apprenticeships ethical code of conduct? 2. What are the most prominent barriers currently for pitching deals? 3. Are my recommendations feasible for Amazon’s 3P business? 4. What impact will my proposed strategies have on sales performance metrics, MC and customer experience?

Research Objectives

Objectives of Research

(Gartner, 2024)
(Lauzi Fabian et al., 2023)
(Stewart, 2018)
(Schenk, 2018)
(Salesforce, 2024)

Literature Review


Literature Review

KSB 8 - Working with OthersKSB 14 - Ethics, Trust & IntegrityKSB 16 - Interpersonal Skills

(Denscombe, 2014)
(Wilson, 2014)



Mixed Methods

Denscombe's Action Research


Wilson's ResearchHoneycomb

Findings & Analysis

Findings & Analysis

KSB 2 - Sales Planning KSB 13 - Leveraging Digital BusinessKSB 3 - Solution Development

Improve Internal Communication / Cross Functional Collaborations
Enhance Training


Training Enhancement
Cross Functional Collaboration
Data-driven Insights & AI to reduce administrative tasks
Data & AI



Through this research project I have been able to deep dive into Sales Enablement, it's critical components and impact on businesses inorder to apply this to my own context. In identifying and understanding the key blockers faced in the current deal submission and delivery process, I have been able to draw out actionable reccomendations for process improvements and missed opportunities to enable sales, that streamline commuications and resources but also enhance customer experience.Sales enablement is emerging as a top tactic for growth (Salesforce, 2024), underscoring the importance of such initiviates in allowing for Amazon to remain ahead of the competitive B2B landscape but also for my own professional development in promoting a culture of enabling instead of stagnanting.


(Gibbs, 1998)
  • Ethical conduction of research activities
  • Application and Integration of models and theoretical perspectives
  • Robust recommendations to address key blockers identified
  • More first-hand qualitative insights from selling partners utilising deals
  • Explore regional differences and impact of proposed recommendations
  • Time management - better use of my GANTT Chart

theories & models

feedback & results

applied insights & research

addressed key blockers with refined solutions




Self Assessment


Alfred, L. (2022) 53 Sales Leadership Stats to Know in 2022 . Available at: https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/sales-leadership-stats (Accessed: 23/09/2024).Amazon (2023) Independent sellers keep choosing Amazon for the value we provide. Available at: https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/small-business/independent-sellers-keep-choosing-amazon-for-the-value-we-provide (Accessed: 23/09/2024). Benjamin, L. (2024) The Complete Guide to B2B Sales Training: Everything You Need to Know. Available at: https://biglysales.com/the-comprehensive-guide-to-b2b-sales-training/#:~:text=A%20well-structured%20B2B%20sales%20training%20program%20not%20only,curve%2C%20outperform%20their%20competitors%2C%20and%20achieve%20sustained%20success. (Accessed: 26/09/2024). CollabAgency (2018) How sales enablement can enhance the customer journey. Available at: https://blog.collabagency.com.au/what-is-sales-enablement (Accessed: 23/09/2024). Dake, Pam Nahar, Yarun Lopopolo, Jennifer Kingman, Christopher. (2019) 'Best Practices for Cross-Functional Collaboration', Sales Enablement Pro, . Available at: https://salesenablement.pro/expertise/best-practices-for-cross-functional-collaboration/#:~:text=Learn%20how%20sales%20enablement%20practitioners%20can%20collaborate%20with%20cross-functional%20partners, (Accessed: . Denscombe, M. (2014) The Good Research Guide: For Small-Scale Social Research Projects. 5th edn. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Gartner (2024) AI in Sales: Boost Revenue and Close More Deals. Available at: https://www.gartner.com/en/sales/topics/sales-ai#:~:text=AI%20in%20Sales%20is%20the%20future%20of%20selling.%20Discover%20how (Accessed: 24/09/2024). Gibbs, G. (1998) Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. 1st edn. Oxford: Oxford Polytechnic. Koning, S. (2024) The Importance of B2B Training . Available at: https://stephan-koning.medium.com/the-importance-of-b2b-sales-training-e86c6e5274e0#:~:text=Why,%20you%20ask?%20Well,%20B2B%20sales%20training%20equips%20your%20team (Accessed: 26/09/2024). Lauzi Fabian, Westphal Jorg, Rangarajan Deva, Schaefers Tobias, Parra-Merono Maria, C. and De-Juan-Vigaray Maria, D. (2023) 'Understanding sales enablement in complex B2B companies: Uncovering similarities and differences in a cross-functional and multi-level case study', Industrial Marketing Management, 108, pp. 47–64. Salesforce (2024) State of Sales. San Francisco, California: Salesforce Inc. Available at: https://www.salesforce.com/content/dam/web/en_us/www/documents/research/salesforce-state-of-sales-report-6-ed.pdf (Accessed: 23/09/2024). Schenk, T.M., Byron (2018) Sales Enablement: A Master Framework to Engage, Equip, and Empower A World-Class Sales Force. illustrated edn. England: John Wiley & Sons. Stewart, J. (2018) The Why, What, and How of Sales Enablement via Maturity Model Assessment. Available at: https://medium.com/@jeffreystewart/the-why-what-and-how-of-sales-enablement-via-maturity-model-assessment-4d6a8bc6f13f (Accessed: 24/09/2024). White, A. (2024) 7 Key Takeaways from the Salesforce State of Sales Report 2024 . Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-key-takeaways-from-salesforce-state-sales-report-2024-abbie-white-hv3ac (Accessed: 26/09/2024). Wilson Jonathan (2014) Essentials of Business Research: A Guide to Doing Your Research Project. Second edn. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.


Reference List