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trip to gliese 12b



Why is it considered an exoplanet?
Hypothetical example of a possible living being

why is it considered an exoplanet?

It orbits a star
Located on the habitable zone = liquid water


Gliese 12b is a super Earth exoplanet potentially habitable that orbits a M - type star (Red Dwarf).This exoplanet is situated 40 light years from us in the Piscis constellation.It's characteristics are:

Surface temperature of: 42º Celsius

Planet Mass:3.87 Earths

Planet radius:0.958 x Earth

Orbital period:12.8 days

Orbital Radius:0.0668 AU

Discovery Date:May 2024

Click here to see a model by the NASA of the Gliese 12 b


Here you have some curiosities about Gilese 12 b

Comparative analisis


Atmospheric mystery

"Promising candidate"

  • https://science.nasa.gov/exoplanet-catalog/gliese-12-b/Listado de puntos
  • https://www.jameswebbdiscovery.com/exoplanets/100-facts-about-gliese-12-b
  • https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/may/24/gliese-12b-habitable-planet-earth-discovered-40-light-years-away#:~:text=Shishir%20Dholakia%2C%20a%20PhD%20candidate,has%20been%20named%20Gliese%2012b.
  • https://science.nasa.gov/exoplanets/whats-a-transit/
  • https://www.agenciasinc.es/Noticias/Gliese-12-b-un-exoplaneta-potencialmente-habitable-cercano-a-la-Tierra


SIZE5 - 17 hundredths of a millimeter


hyphothetical case

living being adapted to the planet

There is not an experiment that confirms this theories


James Webb Telescope

Lazzaro Spallanzani 1777

Who Discovered

Johann August Ephaim Goeze 1773
(If you click the image there's an interview)
Gliese 12 b was discovered by Shishir Dholakia
One on the most used methods.
Here is a video that explains in detail

The Transit Method


  • Bacteria
  • Algae
  • Organic materia

Earth compared to Gilese 12 b

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  • WHY
  • Small size -
  • Adaptable life condition.
  • Create their own special protein CAHS-
  • Different colours brown , purple, red ,blue , green .
Extremofilos : Tardigradacharacteristics