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Fun fact!

When was it?


What happened?


What did it look like

What was world like?

By Luca Marco Suzuki



Earth formed from dust and gas surrounding the young Sun, clumping together through gravity.The early planet was a hot, molten mass due to constant collisions and radioactive heat.A Mars-sized body (often called Theia) crashed into Earth.Debris from the collision collected to form the Moon, and the impact altered Earth’s tilt.Heavier elements (like iron) sank to form the core, while lighter materials rose, forming the mantle and crust.This created Earth’s layered structure (core, mantle, and crust)..As Earth cooled, water vapor condensed into liquid, forming the earliest oceans.These oceans were hot, acidic, and filled with dissolved minerals.

The Hadean Eon lasted from about 4.6 billion years ago (when Earth first formed) to around 4 billion years ago. It marks the earliest period in Earth's history.

When was this?

1. “Hellish” Namesake: The name Hadean comes from the Greek god of the underworld, Hades, because the Earth’s surface at the time was like a fiery inferno, with intense heat, molten rock, and constant bombardment from space.

Fun facts

2. Rain Before Oceans: Before oceans existed, Earth’s surface was too hot for liquid water. As the planet cooled, the steam from volcanic eruptions condensed into rain, which fell for millions of years to fill the first oceans.

3. First Clues of Life?: Although the environment was harsh, some scientists think that simple chemical reactions might have started forming the building blocks of life, like amino acids,

The earliest and most chaotic period in Earth’s history. The planet had just formed and was mostly a hot, molten sphere, getting hit constantly by asteroids and comets. Intense volcanic eruptions released gases, forming a thick, toxic atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor but almost no oxygen. This made the surface extremely hostile, and there was no life as we know it. As the planet began to cool down, the first crust started to solidify, and water vapor in the atmosphere condensed to form early oceans. Despite the harsh conditions, these oceans may have provided a place for simple chemical reactions. Overall, the Hadean was a time of extreme heat, heavy impacts, and violent transformations.

What did we look like


1. Britannica:https://www.britannica.com/science/Hadean-Eon2. EarthHow:https://earthhow.com/hadean-eon/