Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:



La danza es una forma de arte que trasciende las barreras culturales y lingüísticas, permitiendo una comunicación profunda y una conexión emocional entre el bailarín y el espectador. Comprender los elementos de la danza es esencial para apreciar plenamente su belleza y su poder como medio de expresión.

El espacio es el "escenario", Los bailarines interactúan con el espacio de diversas maneras, y su uso del espacio puede influir en la interpretación y el impacto de una danza.


La interpretación es cómo los bailarines dan vida a la coreografía. Cada bailarín aporta su propia calidad de movimiento, expresión y personalidad a la danza.


La sincronización es la precisión con la que los bailarines realizan movimientos en relación con la música o entre ellos


que se necesita para una buena EJECUCIÓN grupal

La danza en grupo es una modalidad que requiere de una gran precisión y sincronización entre los bailarines para lograr un resultado armónico y estético.


ejecuciones grupales en danza

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Here you can put a highlighted title

most of the information we process comes through our eyes.


of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.


Here you can put a highlighted title

Use this space to briefly describe your graphic and its evolution. Represent your data in the simplest way: choose your chart, organize the figures, and paste them into Genially.

Here you can put a highlighted title


You know a presentation is WOW when you capture your audience's attention and everyone assimilates the information.



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You can represent the numbers in this way


  • Plan your communication structure.
  • Prioritize and visually emphasize the main points.
  • Define interactive secondary messages.
  • Establish a flow through the content.
  • Measure the results.

Interactive visual communication step by step:

Here you can put a highlighted title

When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns. To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words that will be engraved in the minds of your audience.

Here you can put a highlighted title


You know a presentation is WOW when you capture your audience's attention and everyone assimilates the information.



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Bring your content to life and take it to the next level

Write a great text by clicking on Text on the left sidebar. Note: fonts, size, and color should be adapted to the theme you are addressing.

Captivating information? You got it! Grab your audience's attention with videos, images, PDFs, and more. You can add everything you need from the Insert menu or interactive layers.

This is how you will keep your audience engaged


You can represent numbers this way


Write a cool text by clicking Text on the left sidebar.Note: Fonts, size, and color should match the theme you are working on.

+190 You can represent numbers this way