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A presentation by :Martina LaiLorenzo SainasSofia GiulianiFederico Loi

The tempest


The Tempest is one of the Romances of William Shakespeare, written between 1610 and 1611.The Story is divided in 5 acts, it lasts a few hours and it starts with a terrible storm and the shipwreck of a ship on a magical island.

The Tempest: introduction









Act 1

Act 2

Act 4

Act 3

Act 5


1st scene

2nd scene


1st scene

2nd Scene


1st scene

2nd Scene

3rd Scene


Unique Scene


Unique Scene


Thank you for The attention


Act V

  • Prospero feels guilty
  • Prospero decides to take Alonso,Sebastian and Gonzalo where he performs his latest spell.
  • Alonso sees Ferdinand and Miranda alive and well
  • Then Prospero proposes to them to return to Milan
  • Prospero decides to free Ariel from his servitude
  • He breaks the spell that binds Caliban to him
  • Prospero is ready to leave the island and return to his kingdom

Scene 1

  • Prospero gives his blessing to Ferdinand and Miranda.
  • Prospero calls in Ariel and asks him to summon spirits to perform a masque for Ferdinand and Miranda's engagement (Juno, Iris, Ceres).
  • Prospero startles suddenly and then sends the spirits away because he had forgotten about Caliban’s plot against him.
  • Ariel tells him of the men’s scheme to steal Prospero’s book and kill him, so they can set a trap for the assassins
  • Prospero and Ariel hang fine clothing in Prospero's cell, after which they render themselves invisible.
  • Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano enter, wet,
so they try to steal the clothing but a pack of spirits drags them out

Scene 1

Act IV

  • Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzalo are exhausted after having wandered the island in search of Ferdinand.
  • Suddenly, strange music fills the air and some spirits assemble a lavish banquet.
  • Before any of them can eat, thunders and lightnings precedes Ariel's appearance in the form of an harpy. He condemns Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio.
  • Prospero, who was there too but invisible, applauds the work of his spirit and announces with satisfaction that his enemies are now in his control.
  • Alonso tries to drown himself for the desperation, Sebastian and Antonio decided to fight the spirits.
  • Gonzalo tries to help all of them.


Scene 3

  • A violent storm rages a small ship;
  • The group of nobles on the ship try to survive.

Scene 1

Act I

  • Prospero reavels Miranda their past;
  • Prospero asks Ariel to become invisible;
  • Ariel attracts Ferdinand with music;
  • Ferdinand meets Miranda, she falls in love with him.

Scene 2

Act I

Act IIscene I

-Alonso, king of Naples, thinks bis son Ferdinando has died-Ariel arrives And makes Alonso And Gonzalo falls asleep -Antonio convinces Sebastiano to kill his brother Alonso -but before he can kill him Ariel wakes up Gonzalo and Alonso

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Scene 1


  • Ferdinand enters, carrying an heavy log. He had been imprisoned and put to work by Prospero.
  • Miranda enters and Prospero follows behind, unseen. She offers to help him. Anyway he refuses.
  • Ferdinand says that she is themost perfect woman he has ever encountered, and she returns the compliment.
  • Miranda asks Ferdinand to marry her otherwise she will die as her maid.
  • Prospero blesses their love and secretly expresses
his approval of the union.

  • Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo continue to get drunk.
  • Ariel, invisible, enters while Caliban was describing Prospero's ill treatment of him and to ask Stephano to avenge this unfairness.
  • Caliban continues to describe his plan to murder Prospero.
  • Ariel listens in and makes plans to tell Prospero of the plot.
  • Stephano exults that he will soon be the lord of such a wonderful island


Scene 2

  • Calibano meets Stefano and Trinculo (servants of King Alonso) while transporting wood
  • The two get Caliban drunk who gets drunk immediately and falls in love with Stefano and considers him his sovereign and swears eternal fidelity to him

Act II Scene 2