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Mesozoic Era

Life/ Climate

Fun facts

Fun facts

About the mesozoic era

Big events

fun facts


About the Mesozoic Era The Mesozoic era took place from 252.2 to 66 million years ago. Taking place within the Phanerozoic Eon, Mesozoic is a Greek term for "Middle Life".

Fun Facts

  • Dinosaurs that can run on two legs are called bipeds
  • The era caused an increase in plants

Fun Facts

  • This was the era of fragmentation of Pangea, which lead to the formation of our modern landmasses

Life and Climate

  • Just before the Mesozoic era the Permian extinction occurred which resulted in a diversity in vertebrate life, along with the beginning of modern ecosystems on Earth.
  • The climate of the Mesozoic era was nothing to what it is today. There were no ice caps, and while there is no documentation of significant global temperature changes, there was distribution of coal which indicates patterns of humid and arid zones.

Big Events

K-T Mass Extinction, which occurred at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Nearly 75% of species living at that time were extinct. Though not the largest extinction of it’s time, it was what ultimately took out the dinosaurs. The suspected cause of this was extreme asteroid or meteor impact. This was found by scientists studying craters left by the asteroids.

  • The beginning of birds originates from the theropod dinosaurs

Fun Facts


Five Major Mass Extinctions.pdf (nettelhorst.org) The Mesozoic Era: Age of Dinosaurs - Britannica Educational Publishing - Google Books A review of Mesozoic climates | Journal of the Geological Society (lyellcollection.org) 19 Fun Facts About The Mesozoic Era - Facts.net 100 Interesting Facts About Mesozoic Era (factscrush.com)