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The End to the cambrian period. Due to a mixture of factors. The earth begins to cool, and oxygen starts to drop

485.4 MA The end

Rocks contain fossiles o this ancent organisms. This allows us to peer back into geological history and obserbe how life evolved

Gelogical history

The cambrian period lasted 55.6 million years. Within this time life was able to become very diverse.

Time span

The start to the period. A birth of new life complex life

541 MA The begining

Cambrian Period


The Cambrian is defined as a period within geological timeAs Oxygen producing organisms filled the ocean and atmosphere with oxygen, this created the prefect breeding ground for which new life could sprout form. Not simple single cell life, but instead new diverse complex life starts to develop in this time period. This event is called the Cambrian explosion.Though the Cambrian is well know for being the first example of complex life. This is not true, There is evidence to suggest complex life predating the Cambrian.

One of the most iconic animals from this time period is the trilobite. Not only did the trilobite exist in the Cambrian period. But also lived into the Permian period as indicated through the fossil record.Though live may have been diverse in the ocean. One land there was much less to observe since no Tetrapode had made it to land yet

The Cambrian Period's Atmosphere was rich in oxygen, and so was the ocean because of oxygen producing bacteria. This allowed many different forms of life to sprout. Soft tissue animals don't often preserve well but we can make assumptions what the earth was like then. By analysis rock from this time period. We can analysis fossilized remains of trilobites, Tamiscolaris, Opabinia, an many other such arthropods, and other species of organisms with hard shells. Also we can observer the oxygen levels left in the the rock to make assumptions about the earths atmosphere during the Cambrian.

The Cambrian period came as it fell. Due several factors, these major factors include a fall in oxygen levels. And a decrease of the earth temperature. Leading to an extinction event. This is illustrated by source 1 Describing a large Ice sheet that covered large parts of the ocean, preventing photosynthesizing organisms from producing oxygen. Thus oxygen levels dropped and an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Resulting in mass death to the existing populations of animals during the Cambrian period.

Sources:Source 1: Tahata, Miyuki et al. “Three-Step Modernization of the Ocean: Modeling of Carbon Cycles and the Revolution of Ecological Systems in the Ediacaran/Cambrian Periods.” Di xue qian yuan. 6.1 (2015): 121–136. Web. Source 2: Zhang, Minmin et al. “Enrichment Mechanism of Selenium in Lujiaping Formation in Central South Qinling: Controls from Mixed Sources, Sedimentary Environment, Primary Productivity and Paleo-Climate during Ediacaran to Early Cambrian Period.” Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 647 (2024): 112256-. Web. Souce 3: https://www.britannica.com

Source: https://www.britannica.com/animal/trilobite Trilobite | Cambrian period, Extinction, Arthropod, & FactsTrilobite, any member of a group of extinct fossil arthropods easily recognized by their distinctive three-lobed, three-segmented form. Trilobites...Encyclopedia Britannica

Image from source 2:

Image source from: https://www.thoughtco.com

Image source from:https://destinationsmagazine.com

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