Enabling Growth
Priscilla Lumbreras
Created on September 28, 2024
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Mentor's Key Tasks
Monitoring the Mentoring Process and Evaluating Progress
Mentoring Strategies
Managing Your Mentoring Time
Enabling the Process
Managing the Process
Maintaining Momentum
Encouraging Movement
- This exercise helped me reflect on my own experiences as a mentee.
- Made connections to when my mentee will potentially need more support.
- Helped me identify what I can do or say to support my mentee as a learner.
Facilitating Learning Through Support: Self-Reflection
Exercise 6.1 (pg. 172)
- Circle exercise helped me realize we spent most of our time planning lessons.
- We need to spend less time on the small details and more on helping my mentee reach her goals.
- We decided it was necessary to create mentorship meeting goals for each meeting.
Reflection: How You Use Your Mentoring Time
Exercise 6.4 (pg. 189)
- Establishing a process to address conflict.
- Striving to be inclusive, open, and culturally sensitive.
- Staying focused on meeting your mentee's learning needs.
Important Pieces for My Mentoring Toolkit
Codes of Ethical Practice (pg. 180)
- Challenge the mentee to keep moving forward:
- Setting tasks
- Engaging in Discussion
- Setting up dichotomies
- Establishing high standards
- This exercise helped my mentee identify key learning opportunties.
Identifying Learning Opportunities
Exercise 6.2 (pg. 173)
- Ask Questions
- Reformulate Statements
- Summarize
- Listen for the Silence
- Listen Reflectively
- Assessing Learning Outcomes
Keeping the learner front and center
Facilitating Learning