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MLAEscape room

Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's"The Cask of Amontillado

There is a man, Fortunato, trapped in a cold wine vault of a palace in Italy during carnival time! Another man, Montresor, is looking for revenge! Do you want to challenge yourself and be Risoluto, Montresor's servant, that will help Fortunato escape? You just have this class period to unlock and collect the items by answering some questions. The answers are hidden in the library's MLA citation guide. Click the link below to access the library resource.



Explore the house

Inventory open...

It is closed...

It is too dark...

Biomedical sciences.

Psychology & business.

Languages, literature, philosophy, history and arts.

Which scientific fields use the MLA style?


Engineering & computer sciences.

the author – page system meaning that in the body of the paper the name of the author and the page of the source are always mentioned.

the citation – sequence system meaning that citations are numbered in the order they appear in the text.

the author – date system meaning that in the body of the paper the name of the author and the year of publication are always mentioned., history and arts.

MLA style uses…


the footnotes system meaning that you insert a superscript number that directs the reader to a note which includes the citation information.

This is not correct...

Find the key to continue. You will need it to unlock the chains!


Continue exploring the house

Inventory opened...

It is too dark...

This point has been argued before (Frye 197).

Choose the sentence in which the in-text parenthetical citation is presented properly.


This point has been argued before. (Glenn Frye, 197).

This point has been argued before. (Frye 197).

This point has been argued before. (Frye 197).

Jiao and other suggest that students whose native language is not English tend to experience higher levels of library anxiety (158).

Choose the sentence in which the in-text narrative citation is presented properly.


Jiao & Onwuegbuzie suggest that students whose native language is not English tend to experience higher levels of library anxiety (158).

Jiao and Onwuegbuzie suggest that students whose native language is not English tend to experience higher levels of library anxiety (158).

Jiao and colleague suggest that students whose native language is not English tend to experience higher levels of library anxiety (158).

Student employment status is one of the factors that predict library anxiety (Jiao and colleagues 158).

Choose the sentence is which the in-text parenthetical citation is presented properly.


Student employment status is one of the factors that predict library anxiety (Jiao and others 158).

Student employment status is one of the factors that predict library anxiety (Jiao, Onwuegbuzie, and Lichtenstein 158).

Student employment status is one of the factors that predict library anxiety (Jiao et al. 158).

Mellon found that “for the majority of students (75%-85%), initial library research experiences induce anxiety” (quoted in Jiao et al. 152).

Choose the sentence in which the indirect source is cited properly.


Mellon found that “for the majority of students (75%-85%), initial library research experiences induce anxiety” (qtd. in Jiao et al. 152).

Mellon found that “for the majority of students (75%-85%), initial library research experiences induce anxiety” (as cited in Jiao et al. 152).

Mellon found that “for the majority of students (75%-85%), initial library research experiences induce anxiety” (qtd. by Jiao et al. 152).

Remember these notes and play them on the piano in the correct order


You found asecret message




...Keep playing



...One more


Start over...

You found a new item for your inventory



Continue exploring the house

Inventory open...


Use the magnifying glass to search for the code and then insert it into the typewriter

Someone is there!

The following is a book citation. Is the order of the elements correct? (click HERE for image of citation)


No, the correct order is: Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher. Title of Database, URL, Year of Publication.

No, the correct order is: Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Year of Publication. Title of Database, URL.

Yes, the order of the elements looks great!

The following is a book citation. Is the order of the elements correct?


No, the correct order is: Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Year of Publication. URL. Title of Database.

The following is an article citation. Is the order of the elements correct? (click HERE for image of citation)


No, the correct order is: Author's Last name, First name. Title of Journal, "Title of Article." vol. x, no. x, Publication Date, pp. xx-xx. Title of Database, URL.

No, the correct order is: Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Article." Title of Journal, vol. x, no. x, Publication Date, pp. xx-xx. URL. Title of Database.

Yes, the order of the elements looks great!

The following is an article citation. Is the order of the elements correct?


No, the correct order is: Author's Last name, First name. "Title of Article." Title of Journal, Title of Database, vol. x, no. x, Publication Date, pp. xx-xx. URL.

Which are considered core elements of works cited in the MLA style? Select all that apply. (type the correct numbers in order)

(1) Date of access

(2) Author

(3) Descriptive terms

(4) Title

(5) Location


In which of the following cases are the names of the authors presented properly? (click HERE for image of citation)


In D. because the MLA presents two authors' names placing the word “and” between them and reverses both authors’ names.

In B. because the MLA presents two authors’ names placing the word “and” between them and reverses only the first author’s name.

In A. because the MLA presents two authors’ names placing the ampersand (&) between them and reverses only the first author’s name.

In which of the following cases are the names of the authors presented properly?


In C. because the MLA presents two authors' names placing the ampersand (&) between them and reverses both authors' names.

Which of the following is the proper way to alphabetize sources written by the same author in your list of Works Cited? (click HERE for image of citation)


in B because since both sources have the same first author, in the second citation you can replace the first authors’ name with three dashes and use the word "and" to add the second author’s name.

in D in because since both sources have the same first author, in the second citation, you can replace both authors’ names with three dashes and alphabetize with the titles.

in A because both authors’ names should appear in both citations.

Which of the following is the proper way to alphabetize sources written by the same author in your list of Works Cited?


in C because since both sources have the same first author, in the second citation, you can replace the first authors’ name with three dashes and use the ampersand (&) to add the second author’s name.

The Chains are locked...look in the inventory for something to open it

You found Fortunato!

You have set Fortunato free! Or was it merely his ghost?



exit by completeting the form



You will lose all progress made so far...

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Oh, no. try again...





















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Not working...

Not working...



In use...















