Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:



logistica e armazém


sendo responsável pela administração de carga,descarga,organização,entre outros
logistica é uma especialidade de administração e engenharia encarregada por prover recursos e informações de diversas atividades de uma organização
o que é logistica

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O Cliente é aquele que compra do retalhista e trabalha em toda a cadeia de abastecimento


O Retalhista é aquele que vende a retalho,vende um prodotudo de cada vez


O Distribuidor é aquele que distribui o produto final,para os retalistas ou até mesmo para os consumidores


O Fabricante é aquele que pega a materia prima e a transforma em produto final


O Trasnportador é aquele que leva a carga do (fornecedor ao fabricante)



O Fornecedor é alguém que abastece a cadeia de abastecimento com recursos primarios


Elementos da cadeia de abastecimento

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Use this space to briefly describe your graph and its evolution.

Visual content is a cross-cutting universal language, like music. We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures. We better grasp visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. We associate visual content with emotions.

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O stock medio se refere a metade do stock normal adicionado ao stock de segurança

Stock de proteção é um stock feito para ter certeza que se forem encomendados mais produtos que o normal não faltara

é um stock feito para certas épocas do ano, épocas especificas do ano, como por exemplo verão são vendidos muitos gelados

O Stock Sazonal é feito para prevê um aumento na demanda, ventrega ou produção de um produto

Tipos de stock

First of all, make an outline to have clear what the weaknesses are. Summarize the content so that it gets imprinted in the brain of your audience.


Use this space to talk about strengths. Show enthusiasm and maintain eye contact with your audience: 'The eyes, chico. They never lie'.


If you are going to do this SWOT analysis live, we recommend that you train your voice and rehearse: the best improvisation is always the most prepared!


Although you should not abuse bulletpoints, icons, and diagrams like this one can be great allies when it comes to telling stories.

Generate experiences withyour content.

Clients: 1523

Measure results andexperiment.

Customers: 1952

Engage and amazeyour audience.

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Clients: 854

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Target 1

Objetivo 2

Make your audienceremember the message.

rastreio ainda mais eficaz de mercadorias
resposta imediata do que entra sai e acontece no armazém

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maquinas 100%autonomas para carga e descarga de produtos

Customers: 789

Objetivo 3

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são possiveis tendeicias futuras na cadeia d e abastecimento

Target 4

tendencias futuras

Tenadencias futuras


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Assim concluimos que, logistica e armazém podem ser demonstrados em forma de um ciclo ou cadeia que sempre volta ao mesmo, e que tudo isso roda em volta do dinheiro


About Us

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Write a cool subtitlehere to provide context

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With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also, highlight a specific phrase or data that will be engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight, and we also retain 42% more information when the content is moving.

'Your content is liked, but it hooks even more whenit's interactive'

- Genially

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A cool subtitle here

With Genially templates you will be able to include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also highlight a specific sentence or data that will remain imprinted in your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

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A great subtitle here

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. You can also highlight specific phrases or data that will be burned into the memory of your audience, and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

Write a title here

A cool subtitle here

With Genially templates you will be able to include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also highlight a specific sentence or data that will remain imprinted in your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

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A cool subtitle here

Write a title here

A cool subtitle here

Write a title here

A cool subtitle here

With Genially templates you will be able to include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also highlight a specific sentence or data that will remain imprinted in your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

Write a title here

A cool subtitle here

With Genially templates you will be able to include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. Also highlight a specific sentence or data that will remain imprinted in your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!