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Tecnology vs. Man


Introduction to the history of technology

History of technology


First arms used by an ancestor Australopithecus.

3.3 million years ago

Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn produced the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).

American inventor Thomas Edison got a light bulb.

The team behind the AlphaGo artificial intelligence program announced that it had become the world’s best go player.

John Atanasoff designed the first electronic digital computer.




1 million years ago

First use of fire, it was probably invented by Homo sapiens.


Differents areas of impact

Impact of technology in the society

  • Revolution in communication
  • Technology-driven economy
  • Transforming Education
  • Innovations in Healthcare
  • Social Dynamics and Digital Culture
  • Ethical and Societal Implications

Impact of Technology

All the good things of technology

The benefits of technology in the society

Technology has also significantly improved the lives of people around the world, for example the home gym, educational technology, AI-driven healthcare, mental health apps, technology that promotes inclusion, online learning platforms, water technology, digital payment technology, genomics, GPS (Global positioning system), solar cells, collaboration tools.

Benefits of technology

The bad things of technology

Disadvantages of technology in society

Technology has also caused major problems in society, such as isolation, depression and anxiety, eyestrain, poor posture, sleep problems, reduced physical activity, damage to children's brain, dependence on technology, unemployment, distraction in daily activities, affects creative thinking capacity, health issues, invasion of privacy, increase in crime rate.

Disadvantages of technology

Is it goof or bad?

My opinion of the technology

In my opinion technology is not good or bad, it is at a midpoint. It can be beneficial if you use it in the right way and you have autocontrol with it. If you don't, you should control your offline time and try to use it not just as a form of entertainment.

My opinion


  • Expert Panel. (2022, 14 april). 17 experts share technologies making A positive impact on society. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbestechcouncil/2021/09/20/17-experts-share-technologies-making-a-positive-impact-on-society/
  • Johnson, J. (2024, 7 febrero). Negative effects of technology: What to know. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/negative-effects-of-technology#in-children
  • Rupam, M. (2023, 27 febrero). 10 Pros and Cons of Technology in Society. Sociology Group. https://www.sociologygroup.com/pros-cons-technology/#:~:text=10%20cons%20of%20technology%20in%20society%201%201.,. . .%208%208.%20Environmental%20crisis%20. . .%20M%C3%A1s%20elementos
  • Gregersen, E. (s. f.). History of Technology Timeline. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/story/history-of-technology-timeline
  • Khadar, A. (2023, 29 july). The Impact of Technology on Modern Society: A Comprehensive Analysis. Medium. https://medium.com/tech-stalk/the-impact-of-technology-on-modern-society-a-comprehensive-analysis-b42f77c2ec65#:~:text=This%20research%20article%20delves%20into%20the%20multifaceted%20impact%20of%20technology,

Bibliographic references