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Think Before You Post: The Lasting Impact of Social Media Choices

Lesson Overview for the Teacher

This lesson is teacher-directed, featuring whole-class and small group discussions; it is not meant to be an independent student activity. Activity questions are structured for debate, possibly using a "four corners" debate approach where students move to different areas of the classroom based on their stance and then discuss/debate their reasoning in small groups. The teacher will guide discussions to ensure respectful and critical engagement.

Essential Question

How can information you post online affect your future?


Safety 101

Digital Footprint

What's Inappropriate?

Share with Care


Think Before You Post

Complete each lesson/task to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.


How do you socialize and interact online? How is this different than communicating and interacting with people face to face?


Safety 101

Digital Footprint

What's Inappropriate?

Share with Care


Think Before You Post

Complete each lesson/task to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.

Safety 101

Click on the icons on image to reveal tips for using Social Media


Safety 101

Digital Footprint

What's Inappropriate?

Share with Care


Think Before You Post

Complete each lesson/task to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.

What is your digital footprint?Discuss and touch to reveal

Invisible, temporary online information about a person that can't be tracked

All the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally

It's growing. Your footprint expands as your information is copied and passed on, making it more searchable and viewable to a large invisible audience.It's not just up to you. When other people—like your friends, companies, or groups you belong to—track, post, or share information about you, it becomes part of your footprint.

Know Your Digital Footprint

Why is it important to pause before we share?

Discuss: Will deleting a post stop it from being shared or reposted?


Safety 101

Digital Footprint

What's Inappropriate?

Share with Care


Think Before You Post

Complete each lesson/task to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.


What’s inappropriate?

Posts, images, videos, or messages that violate platform guidelines, community standards, or societal norms Such content can harm others, damage reputations, and have legal or long-term personal consequences What are some examples of inappropriate social media content?

Watch the news report and discuss the questions. Touch the question to reveal answers.

Arlington, TX

What types of threats were made?

What if a threat was meant to be a prank?

The school and police have no way of knowing that it was a prank. A person who says the threat was a joke will be prosecuted as if it was real. Fake threats equal real regrets.

What happened to the people accused of making these threats?

All three were arrested and charged with making terroristic threats, which is a felony.

Is the consequence lessened when a threat is made verbally?

What groups of people were affected by these threats?

Click here for other examples of verbal threats that could lead to serious consequences.


Group Discussion/DebateDrag posts to the correct label

Appropriate to Post

Inappropriate to Post

Photo of yourself at the gym

Post that mocks or bullies a classmate

Photo of yourself riding an ATV


Photo of anyone's unclothed intimate body parts


Post that contains profanity

Should I Post It?

question 1/12

Photo of yourself or friends with alcohol

Use your judgement

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning:Underage drinking is a no go, even if it's not you

Should I Post It?

question 2/12

Photo of yourself holding a gun

Don't post it

Post it

Use your judgement




Reasoning:Could it be viewed as a threat? Does it mention a school or person? Is this for safe, responsible recreation like a hunting trip?

Should I Post It?

question 3/12

Photo of youself with a famous person

Don't post it

Post it

Use your judgement




Reasoning: Still be cautious: Why is this person famous?

Should I Post It?

question 4/12

Photo of anyone flipping off the camera

Use your judgement

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning:It reflects poorly on one's level of maturity.

Should I Post It?

question 5/12

Image or video of you or friends attempting to do something reckless and dangerous

Use your judgement

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning:Many people are attempting dangerous stunts for social media attention. The overall public opinion of these stunts is negative.

Should I Post It?

question 6/12

Footage of people in an argument or fight

Use your judgement

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning: What are you hoping to accomplish by posting it publicly? Consider only providing footage to interested parties.

Should I Post It?

question 7/12

Photo of a sleeping friend

Use your judgement

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning:It doesn't appear the person in the photo consented to that image being taken or posted.

Should I Post It?

question 8/12

Post that threatens violence to someone else

Use your judgment

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning:The police take threats very seriously.

Should I Post It?

question 9/12

Reposting something that promises to increase your followers

Use your judgement

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning:It's likely a scam and could harm your computer or personal information.

Should I Post It?

question 10/12

Reposting a threatening post or image

Use your judgement

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning: What is your purpose for reposting it? Report instead of reposting

Should I Post It?

question 11/12

Sharing a fake post about a threat on a school

Use your judgement

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning:Spreading a non-credible post is considered a false alarm or report charge, which is a criminal offense. Report it to a trusted adult or the police.

Should I Post It?

question 12/12

Making a sarcastic comment about how you wish damage to your school

Use your judgement

Post it

Don't post it




Reasoning:You may think you're joking, but the police and schools take all threats seriously. Therefore, you may be arrested and expelled.






Safety 101

Digital Footprint

What's Inappropriate?

Share with Care


Think Before You Post

Complete each lesson/task to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.

What consequences could I face?

Click each image and discuss.

Creating or sharing threatening content online leads to significant legal consequences, including suspension, expulsion, and potential criminal charges

You may be held liable for any damages or costs incurred. You may face criminal charges from the person you made a comment or post about.

Your parents may also face consequences, including financial responsibilities for damages.


question 1/2

But I am not the one in the photo. I didn’t write this post. I just shared it! I won't get in trouble.






Reasoning:That doesn't matter. As soon as YOU click share or post, YOU have now made the threat. YOU are now responsible.


question 2/2

What about threats that are not made online?

It's okay!

Umm, no!




Any written or verbal threat of violence against any person or property is a felony crime. The police take all threats seriously and have a zero tolerance policy, including false alarms and reports. Under Louisiana Law, individuals found guilty of false or intended threats can face up to 15 years in prison and significant fines.






Share with Care

It is easy to be impulsive and irresponsible with posting social media content. The decisions made with what we post have lasting effects- the internet never forgets.

What you do online has real-world consequences. The photos, videos, and messages you share affect you, your privacy, your reputation, and those of the people around you — now and in the future. Stop and think before you post.

What you post could have a bigger “audience” than you think. It’s impossible to completely control who sees your profile, pictures, videos, or texts — even if you use privacy settings or apps that delete your content after it’s viewed or within 24 hours.

Even if you delete something you’ve posted — or the post expires — that photo or comment you don’t want people to see anymore could be saved, shared, and live somewhere online — permanently.


Safety 101

Digital Footprint

What's Inappropriate?

Share with Care


Think Before You Post

Complete each lesson/task to beat the game: there is no other way to escape!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit, mauris suspendisse praesent nascetur massa molestie est magna, luctus lacinia nunc ridiculus netus nostra. Dictum accumsan sollicitudin praesent morbi sem mollis quis neque volutpat.

- Arthur C. Clarke

Anyone who wishes to report suspicious activity or concerning threats against the public are encouraged to contact the Louisiana State Analytical and Fusion Center (LA-SAFE) at 225-925-4192. The Louisiana State Police also offer an online reporting system through a secure form, which is submitted directly to the appropriate investigators. Anyone can access this form by visiting the LA-SAFE website http://la-safe.org


Don't ignore it! Speak up and report it!

If you see a friend post something false, thoughtless or unsafe, tell them. You may keep your friend out of trouble and avoid embarrassing themselves. If you see something inappropriate online, report it and tell a trusted adult. Most apps and platforms have a way to report if someone’s behavior is threatening or inappropriate.

"Submit a tip" on the LPSO App or "Report a Crime" on the LPSO website

"Submit a tip" on the Safe Schools website


Congratulations, you have successfully completed the escape room!

Start over?

That answer is not correct...

Continue on your way and try again!

Oh oh!


Check those privacy and location sharing settings

  • Students: disruption of learning, emotional distress
  • Teachers & staff: disruption of instructional time, emotional distress
  • Parents & families: worry about child's safety
  • School administration: response to threat, safety protocols
  • Law enforcement: investigating, arrest, securing the school, ensuring safety
  • School community: worry about safety
  • Student making the threat: expulsion, felony charges, prison time, unable to graduate, counseling intervention
  • Parents of the student making the threat: financial and legal responsibilities, emotional distress

Don’t share your personal information, like your phone number, address, or school

Kevin Martinez-Molina posted a threat against a high school on social media. A student from Gunn Junior High made a verbal threat against the school.A student from Lamar High posted a message threatening violence against a staff member.

NO!Any written (hand-written, typed, texted, direct message, online or app, etc.) or verbal (spoken, recorded) threat of violence against any person or property is a felony crime. The police take all threats seriously and have a zero tolerance policy, including false alarms and reports. Under Louisiana Law, individuals found guilty of false or intended threats can face up to 15 years in prison and significant fines.If the FBI gets involved, the number and type of possible consequences increases, including federal charges, monitoring, and the classification as a national security issue.

Don’t overshare!


Photo of yourself riding an ATVPhoto of yourself at the gym


Post that mocks or bullies a classmatePhoto of anyone's unclothed body parts (You may also face criminal charges)Post that contains profanity

I'm going to bomb this place. ​I'm bringing a gun to school. You'll see.I'm going to shoot up the school tomorrow. I know where you live. I'm coming over with my gun. If you don't give me $100, I'll hurt you. I'm going to lock everyone in here and not let them leave until I get what I want. I'm going to find you after class and make you regret what you did.

Only accept genuine real friends as your friends/followersDon't speak to strangers online - you never know who they really are