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Gratitude Is humanity's First giant stepSri Chinmoy

by Rojas Morales Diana B.


The ideal of World Gratitude Day is to give people the opportunity to offer personal gratitude, but also to remember gratitude is an essential emotion that should be universally shared.

World Gratitude Day is celebrated on the equinox of September 21st.

A special ceremony to honor Chinmoy is held, with representatives from the New York Headquarters attending this celebration.

Honoring Sri Chimnoy


Many countries observe the first annual World Gratitude Day on September 21.

The Day is First Observed


World Gratitude Day is conceived at a Thanksgiving dinner in the United Nations' meditation room.

The Idea for World Gratitude Day


World Gratitude Day timeline

A little bit of gratitude can go a very long way.

Help improve self-esteem andreduce the symptoms of depression.

Reduce stress levels andimprove sleep.

Emotional and physicalbenefits.

Thank you very much for listening.