CV Genial II
Ana-Maria Potcovaru
Created on September 26, 2024
Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.
Check out what others have designed:
Personal Branding
Personal Branding
Personal Branding
Personal Branding
Personal Branding
Personal Branding
Personal Branding
- Vaig treballar per al meu pare que és pagès al camp.(jul. 2024-agost 2024).
- Em quedo amb el meu germà petit perquè la mare pugui anar a treballar (set. 2024- actualment).
Experiència Laboral
Ins. Josep Vallverdù
Batxillerat d'humanitats
2024 -2027
Institut Josep Vallverdù
Educació secundaria obligatoria 4t
Educació secundaria obligatria 1r-3r
Formació bàsica
- Els meus pares estan divorciats i vaig venir aquí a viure amb la meva mare el 2023.
- Vaig aprendre espanyol pel meu compte, fa 2 anys per poder comunicar-me amb la gent, sense saber que també necessitaria aprendre català.
- M'agrada aprendre nous idiomes, escriure i dibuixar.
- No m'agrada cap esport, abans només ballava.
- No vaig fer cap voluntariat.
Sobre mi
Anna M. P.
email:apotcap23@insjv.catpoble: L'espluga Calbacodigo postal: 25410Av. Catalunya, 2202/08/2008Rumana
Liceul Tehnologic Ciobanu
+ info
Vaig fer danses populars romaneses i danses gregues a Romania.
Romanès: nativaCatalà: bàsicCastella: B1Anglès: B2
- Responsabilitat
- Treball en equip
- Disciplina
- Aprenentatge constant
- Automotivació
- An awesome presentation...
- It is clear and structured.
- It tells stories hierarchically.
- It matches with your audience.
- It adapts fonts and color to the theme.
- It includes images and entertains.
- It represents data with graphics.
- It uses timelines.
- It is animated and interactive.
- It excites the brain through multimedia elements.
- It does NOT exceed with bullet points 🙃.
Tool 4
Tool 3
Tool 2
Tool 1
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Featured Course Title
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Highlighted Course Title
Provide context to your topic with a subtitle
Highlighted Course Title
Additional Training
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
High School Graduation Diploma
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Highlighted Career Title
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Master featured title
Academic background
+ info
+ info
+ info
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Company Name
- Improve communication about any topic.
- It makes a 'match' with your audience...
- And makes them part of the message.
- It has a color suitable for its theme.
- Represents data with graphics.
- Uses timelines to tell stories.
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Prioritize it and give visual weight to the main point.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow throughout the content.
- Measure the results.
Demonstrate enthusiasm, smile, and maintain eye contact with your audience can be your best allies when telling stories that excite and capture the interest of the public:'The eyes, chico. They never lie.'This will help you make a match with your audience. Leave them speechless!
20XX - 20XX
Job Position
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when it comes to creating tables, infographics, or graphics that help provide context to information and simplify data for translation to your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.
Read: Advanced level
Written: High level
Spoken: Intermediate level
Company Name
- Improve communication about any topic.
- It makes a 'match' with your audience...
- And makes them part of the message.
- It has a color suitable for its theme.
- Represents data with graphics.
- Uses timelines to tell stories.
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Prioritize it and give visual weight to the main point.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow throughout the content.
- Measure the results.
Demonstrate enthusiasm, smile, and maintain eye contact with your audience can be your best allies when telling stories that excite and capture the interest of the public:'The eyes, chico. They never lie.'This will help you make a match with your audience. Leave them speechless!
20XX - 20XX
Job Position
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when it comes to creating tables, infographics, or graphics that help provide context to information and simplify data for translation to your audience. We are visual beings and find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.
Read: High level
Written: High level
Spoken: Intermediate level
Put your topic into context with a subtitle
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Course highlighted title
Highlighted Course Title
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Highlighted course title
Highlighted Course Title
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Featured Course Title
Highlighted Course Title
Course featured title
Additional Training
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
- Generate experiences with your content.
- Measure results and experiment.
- It has a WOW effect. Very WOW.
- Activate and surprise your audience.
- Make your audience remember the message.
- Help to break monotony.
- Illustrate what you want to tell.
- Allow to synthesize contents.
- Are an aesthetic resource.
- Tell stories by themselves.
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when it comes to creating tables, infographics, or graphics that help provide context to information and simplify data for translation to your audience. We are visual beings and it is easier for us to 'read' images than to read written text.
Read: High level
Written: Advanced level
Spoken: Intermediate level
Company Name
- Improve communication about any topic.
- It makes a 'match' with your audience...
- And makes them part of the message.
- It has a color suitable for its theme.
- Represents data with graphics.
- Uses timelines to tell stories.
- Plan the structure of your communication.
- Prioritize it and give visual weight to the main point.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow throughout the content.
- Measure the results.
Demonstrate enthusiasm, smile, and maintain eye contact with your audience can be your best allies when telling stories that excite and capture the interest of the public:'The eyes, chico. They never lie.'This will help you make a match with your audience. Leave them speechless!
20XX - 20XX
Job Position
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight and, in addition, we retain 42% more information when the content is moving.
- Driving license B // Own car.
- Bring your creation elements to life with animation.
- It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!
Other data
Interactivity and animation can be your best allies when it comes to creating tables, infographics, or charts that help provide context to information and simplify data for your audience. We are visual beings and we find it easier to 'read' images than to read written text.
Read: Advanced level
Written: High level
Spoken: Intermediate level
Academic Education
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Provide Context to Your Topic with a Subtitle
Master featured title
Highlighted Course Title
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Highlighted Course Title
Highlighted Title Career
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Contextualize your topic with a subtitle
Contextualize your topic with a subheading
Featured Bachelor's Degree
Featured Course Title
Course featured title
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.
Interactive visual communication, step by step
- Plan the structure of your materials.
- Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
- Add secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow through the content.
- Measure results.