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Daily News

New York Mayor's Accusation


Eric Adams charged with taking bribes and foreign campaign contributions



New York City Mayor Accused of Corruption

Eric Adams, the mayor of New York City, has been charged with accepting bribes and illegal campaign contributions from foreign sources after an indictment was filed against the leader of one of the world’s biggest cities.

Mayor Eric Adams took bribes — including $123,000 in free flights and other ritzy perks — from foreign nationals in exchange for favors, according to a bombshell federal indictment unsealed by Manhattan prosecutors Thursday.

Offence committed by an individual who offers, directly or indirectly, offers, donations, gifts or advantages to obtain from a public authority, a person entrusted with a public service mission or an elected official, the performance or non-performance of an act falling within their functions or facilitated by them.

Both passive and active corruption in the public sector are punishable by 10 years' imprisonment and a fine of one million euros under the Criminal Code.

“Everyone who knows me knows that I follow the campaign rules and I follow the law.”

“I ask New Yorkers to wait to hear our defence”


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