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It may not have been for long, but this was an excellent starting community, It gave me an intro to campus and I got to meet a ton of great people.

The People

Part of my small group


August 19 - August 22


Me doing an activity




This is another club sport at NAU that actually runs practices in order to play against other schools in the Spring. This is more of a hobby to me and is quite enjoayable.

Proof I can catch it

Wide open break

Learning the H-stack

Shout out to Kobe for the action shots

Shovel back to a handler


August 24 - Present


Swim has been something that I did all throughout highshool. I enjoy the racing and workout. I have some unfinished buiness against the clock. I hope to those matters to rest at NAU.

These were the lanes filled on Day 1

Working out on my own


6 am morning crew


September 2 - Present

Post practive week 2


A evangilistic college community on campus centered around seriving others and the Lord. Weekly church nights and Bible studies.

Teaching time

First night games

Bible Study!

Nine square on C Quad


August 28 - Present

Man of God

Christian Challenge meets on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm and have different Bible studies throughout the week.I have chosen to do Thursday night studies at 6:00pm.This group is focused on service oriented living and bold discipleship. Maintaining my relationship with God and growing it was a big concern coming to college. However, this group allows me to become a better man of and for GodThey are there to encourage me in my endeavour and are not afraid to give me a guiding push along the way.

About the Community

This was a four day leadership program at that start of the year to get a jump start on college. We did various conversations and workshops to help define who we are as leaders and how to get involved with that on campus. It helped me meet and grow closer to my roommate as well!A highlight for me was being able to help people move in with our welcome jacks shift.

Ultimate Frisbee

This group meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. This is a very go with the flow group of people who all love the sport of ultimate frisbee. There are a lot of other rookies on the team that I am getting to know better and connect with outside of the team. The team has travel tournaments that should bring us closer together.

Club Swim

This group meets on Moday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6pm to 7:30pm. As stated in the other bio, I have some unfinished buisness. So along with all those practices (minus Wednesdays) I also swim from 6am to 7:30am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. At these morning practices, I get more focused help from the coach and really get to hone in on my skills. The community is phenominal and one of the most supportive groups of peope I've met.