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Mcdonalds corporation

Presentation made by Evan S and Owen T

Main Ownership of the CorperationThis will show you how the company is owned and how the company is lead.

Various Aspects of the corperaTION

McDonalds Corperation in a nutshell

How the Corperation was startedThis page will describe how McDonalds was founded and it's first steps towards greatness.

Management structure of the CorperationThis will explain the corperate structure and how it's ran by the higher ups.

Possible Dissolution of the CorperationMcDonalds has not dissoluted (yet) so there is no futher discussion on this topic.

Who owns?

Mcdonalds is primarily owned by investors but it does have a CEO and a Board of Directors


Humble Begginings

How the corperation was created

Mcdonalds was started as a parntership between the Mcdonald Brothers. These two brothers started off with a hot dog stand which eventaully led to a drive through BBQ before they finally created the world famous Mcdonalds.

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The step-by-step interactive visual communication:

  • Plan and structure your communication.
  • Prioritize and give visual weight to the main points.
  • Define secondary messages with interactivity.
  • Establish a flow throughout the content.
  • Measure the results.