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We at Oxa believe in open communication and socialising to help build relationships, improve team collaboration, and create a more positive work environment.

How we Communicate and Socialise





Voice Groups

Regular Communication

#voice-group-culture-and-faith - for all activity related to Culture and Faith

#womenofoxa - A channel dedicated to women at Oxa.

#voice-group-gender-diversity- for all activity related to Gender Diversity.

#voice-group-lgbtplus- for all activity related to Sexual Orientation and Identity.

#voice-group-nationality-and-ethnicitiy -for all activity related to Nationality and Ethnicity.

#voice-group-neuro-and-physical-diversity - for all activity related to Neuro and Physical Diversity.

#voice-group-parents-and-carers - to create a safe space for us to talk and learn about a range of parenting and caring topics.

Click on the voice group names that will take you to the respective slack channel.

#social- slack channel to chat about cool technologies, complain about the weather, cheer on the local sports team, etc.

Life at Oxa - wiki page that outlines all of the after work clubs, sports and social events within Oxa!

Town Halls- Our monthly Town Halls are where we aim to help everyone feel more connected to our north star vision, celebrate our progress, share learnings from our experiences, and offer sneak peeks into what’s on the horizon. On the drive you can find the recordings and slides from previous Town Halls.

Show & Tells- #show-n-tellAn opportunity for team members to demonstrate their achievements and give a glimpse of the fabulous work that is going on behind the curtains. This is to celebrate the accomplishments, talk about what we have learned and share it with others tocollaborate between teams and share the success of the teams together!!

Regular Team MeetingsYour line manager will send you invitations for team meetings