Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Wang shipeng 5°H


  • Kunstgewerbeschule (Scuola di Arti e Mestieri)
  • Hochschule für bildende Kunst (Accademia di Belle Arti)


  • Das Staatliche Bauhaus
  • "Casa del costruire"
  • inversione Hausbau (costruzione di una casa)

was a German-American architect and designer, born in Berlin into a family of architects. He studied architecture in Munich and Berlin. Although he was not very good at drawing, he had great ideas and a strong practical sense. Early in his career, he worked with Peter Behrens, one of the most famous architects of the time, where he learned a lot about how to combine art and industry. During World War I, he served as an officer, an experience that deeply influenced his thinking. In 1919, he founded the Bauhaus in Weimar, where he tried to unite the applied arts and the fine arts into a single discipline.he died in 1969 in Boston.


Walter Adolph Gropius


  • Gesamtkunstwerk
  • Forma segue la funzione
  • Innovazione dei materiali
  • Educazione collaborativa
Struttura Didattica del Bauhaus

Laboratori del Bauhaus

  • Ebanisteria
  • Tessile
  • Lavorazione dei metalli
Fase di Weimar

in onore del pittore Wassily Kandinsky

La Sedia Wassily

Marcel Breuer nel 1925

Fase di Dessau


  • Gli edifici residenziali
  • Hannes Meyer tra il 1928

ADGB Trade Union School

Fase di Berlino (1932-1933)

Mies van der Rohe Nel 1930

  • https://biblus.acca.it/la-storia-del-bauhaus/
  • https://www.domusweb.it/it/movimenti/bauhaus.html
  • https://www.finestresullarte.info/arte-base/bauhaus-origini-sviluppo-stile-principali-esponenti
  • https://www.goethe.de/ins/it/it/kul/art/100/21356319.html
