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A guide for stay safe in a earthquake

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Interactive guide in case of earthquake

Yes that's how it is. Take this into account:

Do you live in any of these boroughs?

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Aquí puedes incluir undato relevante a destacar

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• As explained by an IPN geologist to the newspaper Reforma. The microearthquakes in Mexico City have “shaken" the people of the country's capital with great frequency, so on this occasion we will mention which is the boroughs that has had the most tremors since 1974 in.

In case you experiencience any of these, here's what you should do:

In these boroughs in the last 264 days of the year there is data that there were:

Seismological data

Aquí puedes incluir undato relevante a destacar

Aquí puedes incluir undato relevante a destacar


It is very important to take these recommendations into account, to be safe, since Mexico is a country with many earthquakes. Similarly, drills are frequently carried out in the country to warn and defend our population from this natural phenomenon.


Radio Fórmula. (2024, January 5). Microsismos: The Mexico City boroughs with the most tremors since 1974, according to IPN. Radio Fórmula. https://www.radioformula.com.mx/cdmx/2024/1/5/microsismos-la-alcaldia-de-cdmx-con-mas-temblores-desde-1974-segun-el-ipn-796479.html.CENAPRED. (n.d.). Create your family plan to reduce risks during an earthquake. Government of Mexico. https://www.gob.mx/cenapred/articulos/elabora-tu-plan-familiar-para-reducir-riesgos-ante-un-sismo.Volcano Discovery. (n.d.). Volcano Discovery: Volcanoes worldwide. https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/