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Learning Theories Part 1

Cameron BaumgardnerGrand Canyon UniversityEDU-522 Curriculum Design TheoriesMary McKoneSeptember 25, 2024

Learning Theories

Learning:FeedbackOrganized curriculumScaffolded instruction


Role of Memory:Positive Reinforcement- Students are passive in behavioral learning so teacher offers information how they should react and respond to specific stimuli (Western Governors University, 2023).Motivation- Positive and negative reinforcement go together, getting students to act a certain way. A teacher may remove elements in order to get students to do something (Western Governors University, 2023).
Characteristics:Observable and measureable aspects.Over time behavior chenges given the response to or removal of the stimuli (Oyarzun & Conklin, 2021)


Learning:Relatable information can aid in learning by attaching to what the student already knows


Role of Memory:Adding to Schema- Construction of existing information and cognitivism focuses on how the brain processes, retain and recalls information.Memorable- Information evolves the level of engagement.
Characteristics:Focuses on the brains internal processes of retaining, and recalling information based on how a learner constructs information (Oyarzun & Conklin, 2021).


Learning:Active, socal and abstract learning.Student-centered focus on learning.


Role of Memory:A person builds meaning through experiences that are influenced by the interaction of prior knowledge and new events (Mcleod, 2023).
Characteristics:Learning exists only in the mind of a human and does not have to match any type of real-world reality (Mcleod, 2023).


Western Governors University. (2023, March 16). What Is Behavioiral learning Theory? Western Governors University. https://www.wgu.edu/blog/what-behavioral-learning-theory2005.html#close
Oyarzun, B. & Conklin, S. (2021). learning theories. https://edtechbooks.org/id/learning_theories
Mcleod, S., PhD. (2023). Constructivism Learning Theory & Philosophy of Education. Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/consrtuctivism.html


Watson & Skinner's Focus:Learning how consequences of action influence behavior.Pavlov's Focus:Learning occurs by forming associations betwwen stimuli and reward. Thorndike & Hull's Focus:Law of EffectTheory of Education


Piaget's Focus:Children learn through sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages.Montessori's Focus:Harboring independence through development of the whole child.Vygotsky's Focus:Zone of proximal development


Piaget's Focus:Developed cognitive constructivism-Link new learning with old experiences.Glasersfeld's Focus:Radical constructivism-Create own understanding.Vygotsky's Focus:Developed social constructivism- Learning through social interaction.
