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Brainstorm Sesh

Data Review

Response to Intervention

Curriculum + Resources

Lesson Feedback

Planning + Teaching

My personal view of a TLF

Who I am


Teaching and Learning Facilitator

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I can support you in the planning and implementation of our core curriculum, how to best utilize our curriculum resources, or brainstorm ways to connect your lessons to cross-curricular topics. My motto with new curriculum: Make it work FOR you.. don't work for it! I have lots of ideas about how to work smarter not harder- let's chat!

Curriculum + Resources

Not sure what you need? Or want support with something specific? Let's schedule 20 minutes to meet! Click the link below to email me at margaret.abbott@medford.k12.or.us




We can meet to plan (or co-teach) a lesson or series of lessons in any subject area. We can plan unique ways for you to approach standards, and clarify student learning goals.

Lesson Feedback + Modeling

Together we can meet to review assessment data to check for student understanding, and plan for adjustments to align with the learning purpose of your lesson.

Data (it's not just a 4 letter word)

data is your friend- I promise!

Lesson Feedback + Modeling

You can invite me to visit your classroom to provide non- evaluative feedback, I can model a lesson or strategy for you, or we can plan to co-teach a lesson. We can also set up a time for you to observe a colleague’s instruction.

This is my 15th year with the Medford School District. I originally studied Theater and Business at U of O, and got my Masters in Teaching from SOU. I've taught 2nd grade for 4 years, 1st grade for 10 years, and this is my first year as the Teaching and Learning Facilitator. Core Values: Transparency, Joy, and Trust. Favorites: My family, being in nature, running, pizza. All the pizza.

My spirit animals: Miss Honey from Matilda and Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec. These are just facts.

About Margaret

Response to Intervention

I can help you fill out an Academic Request for Support for a student you’re concerned about. We can discuss ways to track a student’s intervention data and make sure you feel most supported in the classroom.

Here's the deal: I am passionate about advocating for student needs, and am a self proclaimed "data nerd." I believe that the Teaching and Learning Facilitator is a vital role in providing equitable access to resources for ALL students. I also believe in Teacher Empowerment: providing teachers choice to support their professional agency. Here are my personal goals in this position for Year 1:

  • Communicate clearly and with transparency.
  • Define my confidentiality boundaries with teachers and administration.
  • Advocate for teachers so they feel heard and valued.
  • Rigorously track student progress using the MTSS process.
  • Support teachers in making the ELA curriculum accessible.

Let's Spill the Tea...